Proof of Antibodies vs. Proof of being Vaccinated


“A woman in Washington state died from a rare blood clotting syndrome after getting the Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine.”

I wonder if she was required to show proof of vaccination, to access certain necessary services.

According to the article she only go the vaccine to qualify for something to do with childcare work.

It’s unfortunate but I’m guessing this was an immune response reaction to the treatment.

It could have just as likely happened from this or a hundred other things.

This is one of those crazy random things that happens.

The same thing may have happened if she got an actual COVID19 infection.
Sadly, we will never know, as the side effects of the vaccine killed her.
She had two kids.

It’s awful. I hope they find peace.

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That is really sad.

I wonder if it was something specific to the vaccine or the spike protein generated by the vaccine that caused the blood clots?

If it were the latter then it is possible the lady may have had the same reaction to covid infection.

Of course we can never be certain either way and for sure if her choice had been removed which resulted in her death then it compounds the tragedy of her passing.

No truck with antivax apologetics!


They are sinners that are bringing about the end of the world, and will all burn in hell fire?

If only there were some kind of divine warfare, a divine annexation of life, land and property if you will, against the non-believers.

Perhaps a sacred hegemon? Sanctified battle maybe. Some kind of Holy Hostility…

Nah. Sounds stupid. That would never catch on.

See what I posted about theonomy…

I was kidding. I was referring to the eternal jihad. Unending holy war.

Call it caliphate or dominism.

I did read that. I had forgotten it but I heard about that a few years ago from my friend tha works for the State department. He was talking about how they now have a growing presense in the alternate history genre of fiction where they basically write theocracy love letters to themselves or horror porn along the lines of liberal coffee house dwellers causing Armageddon and they ride to the rescue by building a free state coalition in colorado, utah, montana, wyoming etc.

He knows a fuckton more about those dipshits than I do, maybe more than you. He’s thoroughly annoyed by them but I think that’s because of some shenanigans they pulled at some literature award thing. He works with maps alot and his primary source of sanity at work is listening to audiobooks. Apparently some cross section of these wackos sabotaged and/or tried to rig voting to get awards for literature by cheating somehow. One of his degrees is in history and he’s a true believing old convention southern baptist so their version of religion via calvinism undoubtedly rankles him rather a lot.

He might do something regarding them professionally but he’d never say either way.

I find theonomy extremely interesting. It almost seems like a paradox to me because it’s centered around Calvinism.

Calvinism died out for a reason. They don’t really recruit. They just force their way of life onto other people by taking over the local government. That’s what they did when they were called Puritans and they quickly found themselves isolated.

I can see why it might appeal to the same kind of persecution complex that only the truly intolerant and selfish seem to possess but they eventually shit the bed and wind up without any support. the puritans were mostly gone within a century because they starved their own people out. The youth abandoned their communities for bigger towns that allowed functional economies to prosper.


We live in a different era.

I was watching Tim Spectors talk this morning whilst having my coffee about this very subject.

The problem with the Zoe data which has been generally pretty good is that they have a very old demographic using the app.

The justification for vaccination starts to thin out the younger people get so although their data is extremely helpful we need to understand the age groups and comorbidities of the statistics before an informed decision can be made either way.

There is much talk of the Pfizer vaccine waning after 3-6 months but it requires an immune response to work and was given to the very weakest in society so…

I wonder if they will be saying the same for healthy 16yr olds in 6 months time?

I don’t know about that, but they may kill your granny

Also the reason why Boris is God King of Albion

Fuckin’ old folk who can be arsed to participate in the institutions of the state

Both my kids are vaccinated. The 18 year old had COVID last September. The 16 year old I’m sure has had it, but no test. No way he has not been exposed way more than once.

Teachers at the HS have it, kids have it. They have a reasonable plan in place, with contact tracing. So far it’s working.

Meanwhile the unvaccinated are filling up the hospitals and dying every week.

I’m leaning towards natural selection.

Meanwhile, they’ve got a vaccine for malaria

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Let’s see all those African Patriots refuse to be vaccinated?

If you are saying there should be a vaccination card to access certain services,
but you would not accept a positive COVID19 antibody test as an alternative,
you are not being scientific, you are being political.
And, that is unfortunate.
PS - I have had 3 doses of the Moderna vaccine.

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