Post your favorite stikes

you heard me.

axe kick

What a fantastic thread you’ve got here.

I vote Haduken.

On a more serious note, my favourite happens to be the punch to the face. Any variation on this theme is generally acceptable.

I’ll take a wild guess and say that was sarcasm?

I just thought that it would be ineresting to see some of the repies I got back.

My favourite is the strike of '84, those miners really showed those capitalist pigs that year. How dare they close down a none profitable business, it’s not right I tell you!

I like a nice, inside split finger fastball. Hit on the thin part of the bat and it’ll shatter half the time (and a foul ball counts as a strike, after all).


Any tae kwon do strike.

i was always a big fan of the teacher strikes cos we got a day where we didnt have to run away from the truancy officers

I wish I could punish the OP of this thread in some more drastic way than simply moving his thread to trollshido >:(

Air strikes.

Now that this thread is in Trollshido I’m sure that there is some button that might help with that.

Me, sarcastic? I was being serious, it’s all the other posters that ruined it for you.