Police Killing vs. Police Training: a Discussion in Two Pictures

Like noone has ever used hyperbole on Bullshido before :stuck_out_tongue:

I still want a discussion on what equipment is or isn’t appropriate for police use. It may be that irritants have their place, it may be that they don’t. But there needs to be a line of argument more refined than “just in case”.
Similarly, I want a discussion on what the police is supposed to do and not do within a society. In many other countries, you’ll find specialized social services parallel to cops, not just one person doing everything


Considering guns are not widespread in the Australian community, this is actually a terrifying indictment of the Australian police force.

Personally, I think cops got it all wrong with CS gas and mace to break up crowds.

If you really want people to go home and not come back for more later use dry fine ground depleted marijuana that’s been run through a CO2 extractor. If you get it on your skin it starts off with a tiny little tickle and rapidly turns into a burning itch that rivals poison ivy. Your skin stays that way until you can take a long hot shower and take a strong antihistamine. Benadryl won’t cut it. You’ll need cetirizine. if you get it into your lungs or nose you’re going to wish you got maced in 5 or 10 minutes when they start swelling shut and you feel like you’re breathing through a bag of wet cotton. By that time the hives that started on your arms should be spreading like a great river named ITCH and that’s all you’re going to want to do until you get under a hot shower. Cold water isn’t going to do shit because it’s stuck to your body now. It’s just sticky enough that cold water is only going to make it worse. A face full of that stuff and you’re done for the day. The antihistamines to treat the symptoms will guarantee you don’t have the energy to do much more than lie down and breathe.

Until police start using tactical missile strikes. The hardware is not really an issue for me.

Im not a fan of no knock warrants, warrants without properly defined scopes, and general lack of responsible oversight.

Also training regiments that put more emphasis on violent conflict resolution instead of de-escalation resolutions.

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Call in the real heroes when it counts.

I think if you have so many gadgets hanging off you that you can no longer grab someone. That is when you are at equipment overkill.

What police force does this? As far as I’m aware every law enforcement agency going will train its people to de-escalate rather than escalate. Some cops will genuinely make mistakes and some are bad actors who will escalate for whatever reason drives them, but I doubt very much escalation is a policy.

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Again, what police force does this? Outside of third-world countries anyway. Facing periods of serious civil unrest with a highly armed population, use of language is irrelevant.

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I never said it was policy, but if someone spends a lot more time in focusing primarily on tactical assault and weapon use instead of crisis intervention. What do think the person is more likely to be geared towards and default too?

What is layed out in the PP is not always what ends up happening in the follow-through.

Do think language and the understanding of words can define someone’s cognition process?

Do you believe that 1/6 was caused by Trump giving marching orders to a bunch of idiots?

It’s was a culmination of so much stupid you can’t put all the blame on one man.

Does he share responsibility? I think so.

Being the President of the United States at the time. He should accept all of it. That’s what a leader does, imo. But being a over grown cowardly man child, he won’t.

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Maybe you could also put a lot of the blame on the liberal media and entertainment industry that were tilted so far against him, that they caused an unintended backlash of the worst kind. So, going back to your rhetorical question about “language and understanding of words…” You didn’t really answer the subtext of my counter-question.

I do, absolutely. Not just in any one place but by repeatedly appealing to mob violence, pleas to authoritarian rule, constant denigration of sound American governance, federal law enforcement, democracy itself and the US Constitution as multiple means of casus belli.

I am 100% certain that this was his overarching goal from the very beginning of his administration.

Yes I did.

Ask better questions, preferably not involving Trump.

Also that wasn’t a rhetorical question.

Answer your own question, then.

I do believe language and understanding of words help define our understanding of the world and how we interact with it.

That’s why when Kovacs writes “Feild”.

I think that way of him framing police interaction with the community as something negative.

Because local communities are not battlefields and cops should not be thought of as soldiers.

A soldier is in a different job and think requires a different skillset to do it.

It might surprise you, then, to learn that I received a lot of training from federal law enforcement in order to conduct my military duties. And, certainly, there are and have been a lot of scenarios where the reverse has occurred. The Goal at the end of everyone’s day is that we all get home, alive, uninjured, unvictimized, and happy.

To answer your point about words and language mattering, you are - right now - engaging in a debate about policing without understanding The Goal. The difference between military action and police action is merely where the conflict occurs, geopolitically speaking. What tactics and tools are used are irrelevant, The Goal is what matters.

Your language in this thread implies that a) the purpose of the military is to kill people; and b) police are adopting that military purpose in their interactions with civilians. That is a mostly false and highly inflammatory narrative, which you are repeating and/or inventing with words and language to drive a political goal that you agree with.

Do you think it’s working?

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Know, I’m not doing any of that you wing nut.