Pickup artist

Smackjack just gave me the wonderful idea to make a thread about pickup lines since he came out with the fact that he is indeed a full fledged, paying member of a pickup artist forum. Basically I just wanted to hear some of the corniest pickup lines you used and actually worked.

I’ll start off with “Damn girl, you look like a sexy ass Rihanna.”

Pick up artists are scum.

People who try to be like them are even worse.

I think this was done before. Also, I was going to start a serous PUA thread. One that was cerebral and philosophical. Some motherfucking deep thinking shit, because that’s how I fucking roll. But lets see where this shit goes.

‘How much does a polar bear weigh? Oh, just enough to break the ice. I’m so and so’.

[QUOTE=Bodhi108;2697551]Pick up artists are scum.

People who try to be like them are even worse.[/QUOTE]

Dude. What the fuck is wrong with you? It’s like you’re intestinal parasite or something. You just jump into the bowels of the thread and bam. It all goes to shit. Faeces.

Aiyo, what up honey. You been smiling at me from across the room, or is that semen on your lip fluorescing in the disco light?

Vocabulary word of the day, “tautology.” I’m gonna go ahead and call troll, but in case you’re serious, I just mean corny shit you’ve said to try and impress someone whether you and them just want to hook up for the night or for a relationship.

[QUOTE=Bodhi108;2697551]Pick up artists are scum.

People who try to be like them are even worse.[/QUOTE]

Actually, I may have overreacted. It’s only that I find your presence irksome. A motherfucker like you should not exist. You bring generalized pain to those around you and destruction to those that love you. You make everyone sick… and I too have vomited.

But be that as it may, O wise monk, o sage of the north. O serene being from the belly of Baltimore. Tell us, o wise motherfucker, why exactly are Pick Up Artists scum?

Is it because they aim to sleep with many women? Is it because they put on a show when they are in their element? Is it because they are almost automatically dishonest? Is it for all these motherfucking reasons?

Well we too, as martial artists, o wise monk train to endow ourselves with the ability to wrought serious pain and suffering on a motherfucker should we think that shit is necessary. No doubt you have also knocked a motherfucker out with an Uchi Mata, or side kicked a motherfucker straight to Johns Hopkins Hospital with a few broken ribs. But we do not use these skills unless we have to.

So too I wish to study the dangerous art of Pick up artistry. So that I may have the skills should I ever need them. So that I may use them in defense of honour and ego should they ever come under threat. Because I am a bad motherfucker. And bad motherfuckers don’t take no shit. Like it’s fucking constipation.

Will you accept me as your apprentice?

Hey babe what’s up? Do you like seafood cuz I have crabs.


“Free Mustache Rides”

I read the book “The Game” forgot the name of the PUA who wrote it, this stuff is funny.
It splits between the obvious self improving shit like get fit, get a job and fix your teeth to the weird and mystic with mind games and stuff that i doubt really work.
In my opinion a girl that will let a PUA have her with his mind fucks deserve to wake up next to him.

I did take a few advices (without too much success) i chose an orange shirt so i stood out a bit, and it became a topic to talk about (why do you wear this ugly shirt, you need a girl to buy your clothes). A lot of the stuff they write there are also obvious, like going to a party with some good looking lady friends that show you some affection, that definitely helps.

I think those books that deal mostly with extreme shyness and help the reader fight it, maybe they will be beneficial

I did take a few advices (without too much success)

Well there you go, you’re thinking about it too much. Try a simple pick up line and watch your success rate sky-rocket.

My personal favourite, “Get in the van, I’ve got a knife.” Never fails…

[QUOTE=captainbirdseye;2697592]My personal favourite, “Get in the van, I’ve got a knife.” Never fails…[/QUOTE]

Ditto for mine. Chicks seem to really dig the line “Shhhhhhh. It’s OK. You’re just going to go to sleep.”

What’s with all the jargon these guys seem to use?

[QUOTE=CrackFox;2697665]What’s with all the jargon these guys seem to use?[/QUOTE]

You can’t just leave that hanging there. If we’re going to have a crack at this at least we need to know some of the lingo.


[QUOTE=CrackFox;2697665]What’s with all the jargon these guys seem to use?[/QUOTE]

It’s like this man, let’s say you have an Hb8.5, right, you don’t wanna be like an AFC and just charge in there all blind and shit. You first have to get your QAP up to above 4.8 if you want her to recognize the strength of your 418. But you don’t want to overwhelm her by being to strong with the R2X, so just cut back on BL4.

[QUOTE=The Question;2697669]It’s like this man, let’s say you have an Hb8.5, right, you don’t wanna be like an AFC and just charge in there all blind and shit. You first have to get your QAP up to above 4.8 if you want her to recognize the strength of your 418. But you don’t want to overwhelm her by being to strong with the R2X, so just cut back on BL4.[/QUOTE]

Are these all chemicals? Where can I buy them?

[QUOTE=thrutch;2697667]You can’t just leave that hanging there. If we’re going to have a crack at this at least we need to know some of the lingo.


Just look up some of the on-line guides and then try to venture into the forums. You’re going to see a lot of stuff like the following.

[QUOTE=The Question;2697669]It’s like this man, let’s say you have an Hb8.5, right, you don’t wanna be like an AFC and just charge in there all blind and shit. You first have to get your QAP up to above 4.8 if you want her to recognize the strength of your 418. But you don’t want to overwhelm her by being to strong with the R2X, so just cut back on BL4.[/QUOTE]

That might look like a piss-take, but actually is pretty representative of the way these guys talk.

The level of jargon in this stuff is unreal. I think it goes beyond being a way of describing concepts, and serves more as a way of differentiating who is and isn’t in the group.

[QUOTE=The Question;2697669]It’s like this man, let’s say you have an Hb8.5, right, you don’t wanna be like an AFC and just charge in there all blind and shit. You first have to get your QAP up to above 4.8 if you want her to recognize the strength of your 418. But you don’t want to overwhelm her by being to strong with the R2X, so just cut back on BL4.[/QUOTE]

What happened to all the philosphicising and cerebralality I was promised??

[QUOTE=itwasntme;2697676]What happened to all the philosphicising and cerebralality I was promised??[/QUOTE]

I said that would happen if I had started the thread, but since you got there first ninjas gotta roll with your thread. The cerebrality will emerge when the discussion naturally bends to that motherfucking direction. We shall leap deep into the psyche of the PUA.