Having recently dug up this picture of myself looking like a complete fucking tool from my academy’s site, I want your photoshops or captions. There’s no real prize to this, I just like seeing my name in print.
You may also use these team photos of me to make me into the next WTC Tourist. Why I have my hand on the person in front of me’s shoulder, only Osama Bin Laden knows.
I do want to avoid the awkwardness and eventual horrible crunching and gnashing of telling my teammates that they are now INTERNET FAMOUS, however, so do avoid photoshopping Daniel Moraes’ face into gay porn.
Alright, Ive come through with some preliminary goods, nothing too original, and I;m sure we can all appreciate you being arrested by dissproportionately-sized policemen (Ill just put it down to you being small )
I remember reading about some of your previous expliots where you as a 6 month white belt tapped out a few BB’s of a BS ridden style. Awesome stuff mind you, made a fan of me right when I read it.
Did you get the promotion to blue? (if so, congrats man!) or is this a case of you putting your belt in the laundry with your Gi and the dye running? :toothy9: