I’ve talked to Phrost about this before, and I believe his words were “LLL needs to die.”
This forum, in addition to being a cesspool of shitty threads throughout the years, has been rendered into obsolescence via the creation of an actual Off Topic forum. I want to officially put forward the motion to close it, burn the archives, and pretend it never never existed, so as that we can give Bullshido some thin veneer of dignity.
[QUOTE=TheMightyMcClaw;2858499]I’ve talked to Phrost about this before, and I believe his words were “LLL needs to die.”
This forum, in addition to being a cesspool of shitty threads throughout the years, has been rendered into obsolescence via the creation of an actual Off Topic forum. I want to officially put forward the motion to close it, burn the archives, and pretend it never never existed, so as that we can give Bullshido some thin veneer of dignity.[/QUOTE]
Only if it posthumously becomes an in-joke that never gets explained.
“Bullshido never deletes posts/threads… well, except for LLL”
“What’s LLL?”
What about the whiskey thread? Or the vodka and rum threads?
In fact, most of the liquor threads were allright.
Maybe move junk to Trollshido and decent stuff to Boff Topic?
[QUOTE=TheMightyMcClaw;2858499]I want to officially put forward the motion to close it, burn the archives, and pretend it never never existed, so as that we can give Bullshido some thin veneer of dignity.[/QUOTE]
I say Aye.
Not comfortable with the idea of Bullshido deleting anything. I like Machete’s idea.
I’m all for the liquor threeds being moved to boff topic and everything else being torched.
LLL basically sucks, so it wouldn’t bother me to see it go away as long as I still have some other forum where I can disrespect women and brag about my paper.
Move it all To Boff Topic.
[QUOTE=Devil;2858527]LLL basically sucks, so it wouldn’t bother me to see it go away as long as I still have some other forum where I can disrespect women and brag about my paper.[/QUOTE]
No worries there, you’ll still have 4chan.
[QUOTE=The Cap;2858660]No worries there, you’ll still have 4chan.[/QUOTE]
I don’t know. I think even /fit/ would call devil an asshole. He’d probably fit right in on /pol/ though.
[QUOTE=The Cap;2858660]No worries there, you’ll still have 4chan.[/QUOTE]
Goddamn man! How did you get so witty? That was funny as a motherfucker!!! Come on, tell us another one! You should have your own Youtube channel, bro. Sling some more of that sharp ass Canadian wit this way. Tell us the one where I’m in my mom’s basement. Please? I love that one!
[QUOTE=ghost55;2858669]I don’t know. I think even /fit/ would call devil an asshole. He’d probably fit right in on /pol/ though.[/QUOTE]
Badabing! The Cap serves 'em up and you just knock 'em right out of the park. Hilarious!!!
[QUOTE=Devil;2858679]Goddamn man! How did you get so witty? That was funny as a motherfucker!!! Come on, tell us another one! You should have your own Youtube channel, bro. Sling some more of that sharp ass Canadian wit this way. Tell us the one where I’m in my mom’s basement. Please? I love that one![/QUOTE]
Hohoo boy, I never dreamt you’d put so much effort into responding to me! I’m flattered you care so much. How grand will your endeavour be this time? Five lines’ worth? More?? I can’t wait!
[QUOTE=cualltaigh;2858500]Only if it posthumously becomes an in-joke that never gets explained.
“Bullshido never deletes posts/threads… well, except for LLL”
“What’s LLL?”
actually this is exactly why we shouldn’t delete LLL, but maybe lock it and not allow new threads/posts.
either we are serious about stuff like never deleting posts, or we get into semantics about what can and can’t be deleted. much better to not delete anything. ever.
[QUOTE=The Cap;2858694]Hohoo boy, I never dreamt you’d put so much effort into responding to me! I’m flattered you care so much. How grand will your endeavour be this time? Five lines’ worth? More?? I can’t wait![/QUOTE]
What’d you think? That I was lazy? I will always respond to your silly bullshit.
Vodka…that is all.
LLL provides little entertainment value. And now I want it dead because Devil likes it. So I guess that’s 2 reasons to kill it lol.
[QUOTE=It is Fake;2858641]Move it all To Boff Topic.[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=Ming Loyalist;2858707]actually this is exactly why we shouldn’t delete LLL, but maybe lock it and not allow new threads/posts.
either we are serious about stuff like never deleting posts, or we get into semantics about what can and can’t be deleted. much better to not delete anything. ever.[/QUOTE]
^totally agree. I never liked LLL. Seemed redundantly redundant in the most redundantly manner, one could be redundant with without resorting to redundantly boring redundancy.
On a slightly off topic note … I love the concept of the skepticism forum. I hope to help make it slightly more interesting and fun soon.
[QUOTE=Ming Loyalist;2858707]actually this is exactly why we shouldn’t delete LLL, but maybe lock it and not allow new threads/posts.
either we are serious about stuff like never deleting posts, or we get into semantics about what can and can’t be deleted. much better to not delete anything. ever.[/QUOTE]
Bullshido does delete some things. Spam posts, for example. Last night I answered a spam post with “hey, this is spam”, and this morning both the spam and my response were gone.