People taste like fancy bacon

I stumbled upon an article about a robot that can analyze what a product taste.
Apperently people taste like prosciutto [U]

[/U]I have tried this ham and it is actually good. I didn’t know that it taste like people then but it wouldn’t have anything to say it taste good anyway and I am not gonna eat people even if they taste good.

Here is the link

I heard we taste like SPAM…which is awesome. I have the eggs, rice, & kimchi.

Papua New Guinean’s call it “long pig”.

I’m down with Der on the kimchi. Kimchi is great with pork!

But does Kimichi go with people?

Me and the wifey kidnap tourists and eat them all the time.

Only the italians taste like prociutto, and it depends how the meat is seasoned.

I bet Bill Duff tastes like cheese

The 3rd white meat

“Do people go good with kimchi?”

C’mere a minute, Evan.

the other other white meat

Brother white meat?

I used to be in a band called “the Donner Party” All the songs were about canibalism. My favorite was “Baby’s Sweet As Pork”

You know rancid, the more I look at that picture, those hams look more and more like cankles.

Mmmmm. Fat girls, so delicious. They taste like both chicken and pork.

I anxiously await Threadicus Shiticus to come along and tell us what man really tastes like.

Seeing as we’re already in Trollshido:

A lost explorer is hacking his way through the jungle. He cuts through an overhanging branch to reveal a clearing before him, coming face to face with a group of hungry-looking cannibals standing around a bubbling pot.

“Oh God, now I’m fucked,” says the explorer.

“No you’re not,” booms a deep, authorative voice from the heavens. “Pick up that branch and smack the leader with it as hard as you can.”

The explorer does exactly what the voice directs. He picks up the branch, runs screaming into the clearing and twats the leader 'round the head as hard as he possibly can.

There is a rumble in the clouds and the voice from heaven speaks again…

“NOW you’re fucked,” it says.