Pen16 Thread

All I want to know about Senshido is…
Do you guys wear your skirts when you beat up the Kyokushin/Karate guys?

I’d buy that for a dollar!

[quote=thump;2245166]Body Puncher,
I like the description of your training method.

The Shredder:
I looked up Senshido and The Shredder(and I will resist the temptaion of Ninja Turtle jokes). I`ll admit to learning SCARS back in the mid 90s and this Shredder stuff was almost the exact same thing. Basing attacks on autokinematic nervous response system. The theory was that a human being will react to pain the same way every time(central nervous system) and you can angle your attacks based on anticipating their reactions. This works when your opponnent IS NOT 1) High on Meth or Crack(or some other pain dulling drugs, 2) bat shit crazy, 3) Trained or conditioned to deal with pain(soldier, pro fighter, etc) or 4) faster than you are.

I think a big problem with katas are that they are taught robotically in North America. I realize the theory is that a kata teaches proper execution of technique, but I don`t think that was the original purpose. I think originally it was along the lines of shadow boxing. I think in the old days, it was loose, flowing and free style. I think much like western boxing, it had combinations, evasions, set ups, etc. Some where along the line, the SAME kata became practiced over and over again, turnign into a structured regement of techniques.

Just my opinion. I would like to hear yours.[/quote]
I never said senshido was everything, which is why I am expanding my knowledge and skills through Systema and other instruction. But much of what Senshido teaches is extremely effective. Also Katas have always been rigid, this is a product of the rigid traditional Japanese/Okinawan culture it comes from.

Where can I find a Sailor-Moon dojo populated by cute Jap girls in little skirts?

You’d show up and they’d beat the shit out of you for using the term “Jap”?

It’s a good thing Asian women can’t genetically have red hair. The universe would just implode from that much awesomeness.

Well a half- asian one could if a red-head fucked some cute little oriental girl.

No, two half Asians would have to have a kid together.

I do know a half-Asian redhead.


RACIST???I have always considered myself to be the 100 percent opposite of that…And I certainly hate racists, especially the ones who hate asian girls, which turn out to be some of the hottest of the bunch, and yet you consider that statement to be racist…ENLIGHTEN ME!!! And SUCK AND FUCK me dry if you are either one of those hotties in your posting!!! But no I think I will actually pass, because I just checked my surveillance footage of your whereabouts, and I still haven’t seen any sign of your pimply-dicky MCDonald thrash-fatass metamorphing into a fantasy-like, delicate, submissive, liliputian exotic oriental girl…

I rest my case.

Are you ok , are you having a break down , did you take your meds .

[quote=foxguitar;2248280]Are you ok , are you having a break down , did you take your meds .

It was kind of impressive…the way a roadkilled elephant would be impressive.:new_micro

Now that would be impressive LOL:qtank:

I get what I want unlike you fatttttt losers.


You care that much? What an utterly weird and psycho veiled threat.

I thought this thread was about barekunckle krotty. It seems to have been derailed since I last checked in on it.

How sad.

It has rather been switched onto the RIGHT track and is going in God’s Direction!
I just happen to care about how the person I am speaking to looks like…and believe me DerAuslander’s appearance is apalling…his dick and balls are hidden under a huge fold of fat that he constructed with McDonald’s, Burger King, etc…

Actually it was whisky.

Yes…whiskey, beer, rum, and CUM, and all the rest…