Open challenges to ALL BS doe's & NHB

Dumb Troll:
Stu-pid—It means don’t call and expect to fight over the phone—stu—pid----

It means you could be setting him up for a law suit, stu-pid so just come on down, fight don’t talk is what John Bracy is saying.

I know what it means you fuc—king mo–ron—.
I was referring to the fact someone actually used the word ‘sting’, seriously in a sentence.
Why would anyone that doesn’t live in the general vicinity make time to go over to his school ?
Is it the only decent school in the cosmos?

El Guapo says, "“You can buy muscles, but you can’t buy COJONES!”

when i have asked people to come for a tour of the NYC subway system, i would meet them in public, right in grandcentral, nobody but onebadmotherfukker showed up and it was awsome.

I would have gone!!! Gladly. Jamoke, show to UC Davis and I will give you a tour of our hardkorr campus. Think you can handle extreme bicycle traffikk?! Think again!

“If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face - for ever.”

serious bullshit alarm here.

“hm, I assumed you were John Bracey. My mistake.”

“apperently he’s a publisher and a teacher of “internal” martial arts.”

judging from the character of his manual, this is not John Bracey.


" a cow doesnt whinny, and a horse has no udder, back is to the sides, and sideways is straight ahead"


A lot of people from this forum are meeting to hang out, spar and get to know one another this August. Would they do that if they were all full of shit?

“We’re pawns in this game.”

i’ll be there, you all just wont know it… look forward listening to you guys there too!

“When attacked insult, and insult to kill”