Open challenges to ALL BS doe's & NHB

If you want to test real fighting, come on down, don’t call as you could be setting up for a lawsuit/sting. Come on down and let’s find out. Phone contacts are always treated politely and with care meaning no committment unless you show up.

To contact:

Master John Bracy

I know, I know, you won’t show.

Los Angeles
PM - Private lessons
7:30 -9:00 PM Tai Chi & Ba Gua

Wed 7:30 pm
Orange County
Advanced fight training
(Invitation only)

Thu am
Laguna Beach
Private lessons

Fri am
Laguna Beach
Private lessons

Sat 8:00-9:00 am
Newport Beach
Tai Chi

Sat 9:30-11:00 am
Location Varies
Free Fighting class and important lessons

Sat pm
Special subject seminars on scheduled weekends

Many of these semianrs will be in La Jolla / San Diego Area

Most of these seminars will be in Los Angeles

I’ve studied with Mr. Bracey… he’d never call himself ‘Master’

He’s a good guy, good instructor (a little eccentric maybe), authentic, but he’s not a braggart

LOL, did you just resurrect a 5 year old thread?

Must be using the search function.

Damned if you do etc.

So this thread is still from the McDojo days, eh?

it’s all dank in here, like a long abandoned mine. Somehow the duff pics, have taken a menacing appearance…I’m outta here quick exit

Could you please explain to me why exactly we’d want to fly down to Cali just to fight a complete stranger from the Internet whom we just had heard of? The benefit’s kinda lost on me.

it was five years ago…they’re probably old now.

don’t call as you could be setting up for a lawsuit/sting

Ba ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

El Guapo says, "“You can buy muscles, but you can’t buy COJONES!”

Stu-pid—It means don’t call and expect to fight over the phone—stu—pid----

It means you could be setting him up for a law suit, stu-pid so just come on down, fight don’t talk is what John Bracy is saying.

Edited by - Ralph Gracie on May 25 2003 20:58:55

If you want to test real fighting, come on down, don’t call as you could be setting us up for a lawsuit/sting. Come on down and let’s find out. Phone contacts are always treated politely and with care meaning no committment unless you show up.

To contact:

Master John Bracy

I know, I know, you won’t show.

Los Angeles
PM - Private lessons
7:30 -9:00 PM Tai Chi & Ba Gua

Wed 7:30 pm
Orange County
Advanced fight training
(Invitation only)

Thu am
Laguna Beach
Private lessons

Fri am
Laguna Beach
Private lessons

Sat 8:00-9:00 am
Newport Beach
Tai Chi

Sat 9:30-11:00 am
Location Varies
Free Fighting class and important lessons

Sat pm
Special subject seminars on scheduled weekends

Many of these semianrs will be in La Jolla / San Diego Area

Most of these seminars will be in Los Angeles

Could you please explain to me why exactly we’d want to fly down to Cali just to fight a complete stranger from the Internet whom we just had heard of? The benefit’s kinda lost on me.

Always go swimming with a buddy
Work real hard and always study

gee, boyd, your starting to make sense, as meatloaf would sing, you took the words right out of my mouth.

“When attacked insult, and insult to kill”

I’ll tell you what “Master” John Bracey. We’re getting together for the West Coast Bash. Why don’t you PM myself or Deus Ex Machine where your special seminars will be at this time and I’ll show up.

I’m not going into a verbal war over this and that. Why you put this up is beyond me. You must have something to prove. Even I don’t go around challenging people over the internet.

Go away I’m talking to myself

why anybody would threaten and challenge anybody over the internet is whacked. anybody crazy enough to show up is even more nuts.

when i have asked people to come for a tour of the NYC subway system, i would meet them in public, right in grandcentral, nobody but onebadmotherfukker showed up and it was awsome. he is the only one who ever showed up, we went on a great tour and became firends.

“When attacked insult, and insult to kill”

hm, I assumed you were John Bracey. My mistake. You must not like Mr. Bracey very much. I’ve done some investigation and apperently he’s a publisher and a teacher of “internal” martial arts. Since you do not speak officially for Mr. Bracey I suggest you keep your fingers off the key boards.

Go away I’m talking to myself

Are blind people? Don’t you see that all what he want is promote his school or MacDojo?!!!

“We’re pawns in this game.”

Are blind people? Don’t you see that all what he want is promote his school or MacDojo?!!!

Dude, edit your message it makes no sense.

Go away I’m talking to myself

LOL, just head to a McThrowdown.

“Bullshido. The name says it all, NO respect for the Way, for proper etiquette, for the reverence that the martial arts truly deserve.” - Adam Davis