Olympic Judo Silver Medalist Claudia Heill Commits Suicide in Austria

Former Olympic Judo Silver Medalist Commits Suicide in Austria

VIENNA – The Austrian judo federation says former Olympic judo silver medalist Claudia Heill of Austria has committed suicide by jumping out of a sixth-story window in central Vienna. She was 29.
2004 Athens silver medalist. A judoka killing herself by falling…ironic.

1.) Sad

2.) So pretty.

3.) No breakfall?

One bump because I think this story got lost in the shenanigans.

Jesus, just 29 and someone who obviously accomplished a lot in her life. Sad.

Any word on the impetus of the suicide?

Wow, that’s a shame.

There was no suicide note, and as far as I’ve been able to dig up, no reasons given. It is still under investigation I suppose.

Some people have speculated it was medication related…antidepressants or perhaps even a training supplement…so many medicines with a side effect of suicide and depression that it seems to fit this kind of “out of the blue” suicide…

any follow up?

Tragic Story. Terrific achievement to Olympic Silver. So pretty. This will have an awful impact on her family and friends.

If she was on anti-depressant medication, then, yes, it could amplify suicidal thoughts before it becomes effective. This is true for Seroxat/Paroxetine, for which the severity of the side-effects can be modified by diazepam during this phase. Medical advice is essential so you don’t think you’re on your own.

Terrible if this might be true - the more so 'cos it is avoidable.

Well I’ve had a look at the Austrian press and if anyone does know what and why it happened they haven’t said anything.

She was given a military burial with full honours, for those who are interested.