thank you , now i understand… take good care, and please fall of a mountain in peru. talk to you soon my friend
Only if you lead the way.
Mind your business, i was referring to phrost, not you . Instigator. Go wipe your ass wth your face. Blah. Blah blah.
Guerra, report to your assigned thread and answer the questions we have asked:
[quote=richguerra;2163644]Mind your business, i was referring to phrost, not you . Instigator. Go wipe your ass wth your face. Blah. Blah blah.[/quote] Interesting ET fondler, telling someone to fall of a mountain is instigating.
In an attempt yo “not be an asshole” I will respond to this in a constructive insighful manner.
See? My first answer was on topic and polite.
the tae kwon do instructor from black belt city, what are the tenets of tae kwon do? who was your instructor? to chuck hardin. what martial arts style have you trained in? do you spar full contact? to my friend phrost i said it in jest to fall of a mountain in peru surely i can not make you do that can i? how about some tea come visit me we will have a chat my friend.
chuck hardin whom do you think you are to tell me to report to the asigned tread? as for your information i have many students now they have heard of me, and now i have 150 students all learning mma from me
Read my profile.
Nah, I do judo. Why?
cyberstalking- and cyberharrasment is who you zapruder and the rest who have ganged up on me to do me harm are be warned this will be resolved soon
Ah, perhaps you’ve forgotten. Alien encounters may do that.
I’m the guy you lied to, evaded, and slandered. I’m the guy who tried to run interference for you to prevent your near-illiteracy, brusque manner, and abject stupidity from dooming you to a negative finding in any investigation.
I’m the guy who called back when you said to call back, and left messages when you ducked my calls.
I’m the guy who asked you some questions before publishing an investigation article detailing your lies, giving you a chance to respond before we went public. You didn’t do that.
I’m the guy who still has questions for you:
No BS Martial Arts - View Single Post - Sifu Richard Guerra
If you want to clear your name, you need to answer those questions.
Really? Where do you teach, and when? What are your credentials for teaching MMA?
Cyberstalking? How? You’re the one who used this forum to threaten to bust up a judo seminar:
Judo seminar runoff - No BS Martial Arts
You’re the one who used this forum to issue bullshit challenges and call people names:
No BS Martial Arts - View Single Post - I refuse to follow rules.
How do you intend to resolve it? By answering the questions in your investigation thread?
you slandered me asshole , now you turn it around fuck you , as for the jujitsu crap that i busted up , i never went there are you stupid , they challenged me, so dont stard shit with me, of course i evaded you you continually harrased me even asking me for my social security number asshole , so leave me the fuck alone punk. as far as me ever bustin any judo or jujitsu seminar that never happened you fuckin bully, go harras someone else you punkass bitch, you and your asshole gang of cyber bullies cyber stalkers thats what you are then you get others to join in and attack me. hire a lawyer you will need one-
i will not respond to your fukin shit now fuck off leave me alone you racist asshole nazi punk
I never slandered your asshole! Also, when did you turn into a pirate?
Seriously, show me one false thing I said about you in the investigation article, and if it checks out, I’ll revise the article accordingly. I made this offer in the article itself, in fact.
Anyway, if this is what you think of me, why would you want to have tea with me?
I never said you went there. I said you threatened to go there, and you did:
Judo seminar runoff - No BS Martial Arts
That’s two stupids for you – not understanding what I said, and making the threat in the first place.
I don’t believe you. Show me where they did so.
Like threatening to show up and visit you? No, I’ll leave that kind of shit to you:
No BS Martial Arts - View Single Post - Sifu Richard Guerra
No, I didn’t. I called back when you asked, and I called once in a while to try to contact you. Then I gave up, since you were clearly ducking me.
No, I didn’t. The form was addressed to the NPRC, not to me. I’d never see that form.
Why? You talk about this a lot, but somehow I never see any follow-through.
I’m not a racist, Richard. Show me one racist thing I’ve said about you.
If you intend to duck out on my reasonable questions, that’s a shame, but it’s about what I’d expect.
Dude, I would say you finally lost it, but that would presume you ever had it together in the first place.