No one is safe

I think the fact that this was a very ambitious first post is what drew the crowd.


UMmm, right. I was seconding this:

If every first post was like this, I’d never get any work done as I’d have to read every one of 'em.

Excised from: Question for sambosteve - No BS Martial Arts

Gentlemen, I realize you are both quality posters. Nevertheless, the fact remains that content free posts, such as the ones above, are not allowed in AGD unless you are someone like Omega.

Sorry. I thought we were in newbietown for some reason. My bad.

I think it was originally

Damn, really? Well then, just consider yourselves victims of a mad dictator.

Woah…mods, was this in noobietown? If so, does that rule apply to that forum as well. I always thought a little “this kids seems all right” banter was OK in there when potential seirous posters show up. I fondly remember all the “this kid seems like an insane tool” comments I got.

hey, don’t knock it. once it’s in sheerdog, anything goes. kind of a blessing in disguise if you think about it.

Every day I wake up and promise myself I won’t do that. And then…

I don’t think it was ever in newbietown…

It wasnt when I saw it that is why I (since I know the leader of this iron fisted regime) did not post the HOLY SHIT A FIRST POST WITH CONTENT like I wanted to. SHEERDOG!!! where gramer dont meeen shitte

After rereading the thread I would like to call JNP a gigantic wool biscuit for not culling the UBER LOW CONTENT POST of Omega!!!

You CRAZY NOOB, WAAA, get off the web, you spaztarding SOB EMO fulltard wanna be…you have no innate anything, except an innact LULz waiting to happen, and tapping to mediocre TKD white belts in ground fighting.LOL

In case you read MAPS and are full of Eastern ideas, IF the cup is friggen 1/2 full, then we have to firggen turn you on your head and empty you by choking, cranking and slamming it all over the mats.

I HATE NOOBS!!!111elevinteenneittyeight111!!!

whew… I almost posted that when the thread came out. Glad I resisted or I would have turned out like you guys…jumping on the n00bs in the wrong form and getting my hands smacked. “Quality posters of the month” tags fer sure!!!

(i actually liked the noob and the question, and sambosteves response, it was just it was a first post, just like yours. I just miss ROCKAPE screaming on the threads in pink…ahhh the good old days.)

Meds time.

Me Too…

Sorry for yelling cyrjil.

thread necro

Corpse is still pretty fresh.

“get in there my son”

[quote=3moose1;2139927]thread necro

Why Moose? Why? Just let the dead rest next time.

I totally dare you to post a reply on this thread:
Death to the Status Quo - No BS Martial Arts