Ninja Bombs -Drinking Game Invented by the crew at Rosco's (My Friends house bar)

Ages: 17+

Players: 3+

2 Ninja Bombs cups (coffee mugs with no handles and electrical tape bumpers), a hard table, twice as many quarters as there are players, and lots of beer.

Game Setup:
The players shall sit around the table in a circular fashion. Each player shall have at least one quarter on their person, and each player shall have one tall glass of beer placed to the center of the table. Two players, who sit opposite each other, will be chosen, or volunteer to start the first round of play. One of these two players will then be chosen or volunteer to provide the verbiage for the round to begin.

Game Play:
Play will begin only after the call to play has been sounded. The winner of the previous round shall call out: “Three, two, one, poop.” The players with a cup in their possession shall then bounce their quarter off the table and into the cup. If the player makes their quarter into the cup on their first attempt the player may then slide (here on out refered to as a “pass”) their cup left or right. If, however, the player is a limp dick and they make the quarter on their second or greater try, they must pass their cup to the right. Play shall continue until both cups arrive at the same player. This player is said to be the winner, and they must take 10 drinks of their beer.

When a player is on the receiving end of a pass the may bounce their quarter off the table and into the oncoming cup. Upon a successful defense the players shall call out, “Waterfall”, at which point play pauses. All players begin to drink their beer. The player who made the defensive shot may stop drinking when they feel it is appropriate. Once the player who made the defensive shot has put their cup down the player adjacent to the player who made the defensive shot, who is not the person which passed the shot initially, may then put their drink down. This pattern continues until the winner of the waterfall is the last one drinking, at which point they may set down their cup. PLAY SHALL RESUME AS SOON AS YOU SET DOWN YOUR CUP.

Other Rules:
If two players make their shots and pass to each other, play continues.

If a quarter accidentally bounces into the center cups, during play, the cup must be finished by its owner. If a player is intentionally shooting for the middle cups unsportsmanlike behavior may be called and the offending party shall have his ass bruised.

Anyone may drink from their cup at any time.

Anyone who receives the awesome gift of drinking shall be declared a winner, if anyone refers to a winner as a looser, the offending party must drink.

Is it still a drinking game if you have to be sober to understand the rules?

yeah sounds way the fuck too complex for me and ive only had quarter a bottle of cheapass vodka

I agree way complicated lol but…hm…


God I want to suck off Sharkonis so so hard.

This is a lot like a game called Moose Cock, except when the coin lands in a center cup you put your thumbs to your temple and wave your hands with fingers extended, and shout moosecock. Whoever’s last to do that has to drink the center.

Just play quarters god damn it. Its more fun and less retarded.

I agree, my friends play chuck norris

I agree, this is too confusing!

I was super excited about this until I realized I am WAAAAY to drunk to play with rules that complex tonight. Blech. Back to watching Airplane.

We also know that the original topic of this thread was a fraud because Greese didn’t have any friends.