New Age Bullshit Generator

Click on the button at the top … it is clearly labeled as " Reironize Electrons ".

Literal Magic happens.

Haha. Awesome

I was so torn between the General Skepticism forum or Trollshido … I chose trollshido, I wonder if that was wrong.

[QUOTE=BackFistMonkey;2845743]I was so torn between the General Skepticism forum or Trollshido … I chose trollshido, I wonder if that was wrong.[/QUOTE]

You should post some of the output onto your facebook wall and see how many likes you end up with.

This would be about a gajillion times more cooler if CT Fletcher narrated the output.

This thing is better than church!

Overcool! And posted to my FB page to see the response (half of my friends probably won’t ‘get it’ though :confused: )