"Near-Riot" at Nebraska MMA event


Mixed Martial Arts Event Sparks ‘Near Riot’

GERING, Neb. (AP) – Police Chief Mel Griggs said he’ll recommend that mixed martial arts fights never be held in the city again after what he called a “near riot” broke out at fights held at the Gering Civic Center.

Three people were arrested after the disturbance inside and outside the Civic Center on Friday night. Several hundred were in attendance.

Griggs said about 15 people were involved in the melee and that alcohol was a factor.

The people taken into custody were held on various charges, including disturbing the peace, disorderly conduct, hindering a police officer and assaulting a police officer. Griggs said a taser had to be used to control one of those jailed.

The melee started after medical personnel ruled that fighter Ian Connelly of Gering could no longer continue in his bout.


I’m guessing that if the Cornhuskers ever lose/win a game, and have an alcohol-fueled (near-)riot, the police will recommend them cancelling their team.

This kind of crap is pretty normal at the local MMA events I’ve been to. Only a handful of them haven’t had fights break out.

I guess there’s something about seeing real fighters in the ring that shrivels the dicks of all the pseudo-tough guys who go to the events just to be seen and associated with them.

Hell, I remember being at an amateur MMA event sometime around 2000 in Portland Oregon where a riot almost broke out. A bunch of stuff went down, but basically these two 6’6 350 lbs. dudes who looked like twins tried to pick a fight with Randy Coutre and Dan Henderson who were there as judges. I was not ten feet from Dan when he sucker punched one of the guys and man, that dude dropped and just lay there holding his nose.