Mysterious Vandals Harass Tae Kwon Do Grand Master


he shouldn’t have taken so many muslim students.

They’re extremist McDojo Busters.

Someones fighting a one man war against tkd, I bet it’s some new Martial Arts Punisher guy.

Could be his karate/kung fu competitors…that or a disgruntled former student.

It surely could not be the work of NINJA.

That’s messed up. I wonder if the firebomb attacks will continue to happen even if he moves out.

It takes a real shithead to do something like that:mad:

No matter whether it was a McDojo or not, firebombing is stepping over the line.

To destroy a McDojo, you have to humiliate them, thats all. No need to go all “AH MOTHERLAND.”

Yeah, I agree, Firebombing is WAY over the line.

How do we know it was a McDojo? (no sarcasm here, just wondering)

That’s sad. Such hostility is unacceptable.

Even if this guy has done something horrible to someone, it is inappropriate to act anonymously. This vandal is a coward.

Originally posted by Michael
How do we know it was a McDojo? (no sarcasm here, just wondering)
I was wondering the same thing. This guy was trained in Korea and helped train a couple of armies, so I would definitely hesitate before labelling him McDojo.

It’s the Cobra Kai studio that’s doing it. Sweep the leg, Johnny!

It sounds more like racism to me. If they were mcdojo busters, they would more likely have a left a note trying to expose the Grandmaster as a fraud.

But thats just my personal opinion.

… people apparently dont like him…

but fire bombing some ones place isent the way to go.

Um, this may seem noobish, but…how exactly do u tell if a school’s a McDojo? Any identifying traits?

If he trained mma he could easily withstand terrorist bombings.

too bad. Maybe an ex-wife. Or maybe D.K. Kim made it on Ashida Kim’s list of enemies (yes, go check out his website and he has a list of people “we” need to help him get revenge on).