Here is my review of everything i ever took.
Shotokan Karate: Did it for at least 4 years, reached brown belt, was on and off because i would just stop going to classes as it never seemed we were fighting.
the classes were strictly 1 or 1.5 hours, you could come only 2 times per week. It was mostly like this:
- warm up, which was some running, pushups and sit ups
- stretching, legs, arms, neck bla bla bla
- air punching and kicking, doing the basics
- some more air punching or kicking, but while moving foward and backwards, with combinations.
- either touch sparring (no face punching), 2 person drills or kata
- meditation at the end of the class for 5 minutes.
Boxing: probably did it for half to a year, reached proper punching and defense stage, liked it quite well because for the first time i learned how to fight a bit, quit because life happened (college ass rape FTW)
The classes were around 1.5 hours or 2, but you could stay after them to hit bags, get some pad work done or spar. you could go there 3 times a week, classes were done as follows:
- warm up, stretches
- shadow boxing
- alive drilling, where one person would block while other would punch.
- circuit training or heavy bag combos
sparring was always done after classes, first time i sparred was against a 30 year old man who has never fought in his life, he was quite aggressive when we only body punched, but i had a field day when the mouthguard came on and clocked him a bit too hard once because he walked into my punch, ouch.
Currently MT: have been doing it for 4 months now and its awesome possum skeet skeet skeet, we have clinching and striking days, we do LOTS of conditioning which is okay but i would rather we concentrate on the techniques more.
- warm up, stretches
- circuit training of either whole body or abs training
- alive drilling, either clinches or pad work stuff
after class is when the fun stuff happens, you can either hit the bags, bulk up muscle with our humble mini-gym (ez-bar, bench press) but mostly, guys like to spar, mouthguard, shinguard, boxing gloves on, and its rumble time, usually starts light contact but quickly escalates to medium or hard, hit with everything, but be carefull with knees and elbows. love the club to death.