I myself avoided posting on this thread for along time.
But, over time, I increasingly thought the optics of this specific thread were ending up like Breibart or Occupy Democrats
in the rumor push by the staff member running it, with a somewhat unilateral voice.
This is a thread prone to be unbalanced in journalistic voice by title,
by the fact the site owner started it with a certain disposition,
and due to the personal politics of the staff member moderating it and most frequently posting to it.
I would posit that Bullshido works better when there are opposing sides in an argument battling it out than when a thread gets too unilaterally unbalanced.
If unilateral unbalance has to happen, whether virtuously or not,
than the burdens of accuracy regarding the posts of the staff members of the site become higher,
or Bullshido ends up replicating a Breibart or Occupy Democrats final product.
Raising points for discussion are virtuous.
But one does not need to be the President or in Congress to cause harm by spreading rumors that create hate, or panics, or FUD campaigns - not in the age of the Internet and Social media.
And rumors ultimately just distract the public from the real issues of government,
and allow the government to avoid dealing with the real issues of government.
So, precisely because Monkey has some defined politics, and a certain style of link posting,
we should all make sure to post some Devil’s advocate or different point of view to balance him out.