I missed my daughters birthday … by a month .

Please feel free to comment and attempt to make me feel badder that I already do . Feel freal to leave out anything but rude comments, I have gone through every excuse I can think of , most importantly being she lives with her mom qne I have no legal contact .

you missed my birthday too dick

as far as I know I am not suppose to be your father … so while I find you emmensely amusing and whitty . Fuck off .

you misspelled “immensely”. you ass

Don’t you also have long hippy hair? You should feel pretty bad for that too, and for doing Hapkido.

You are lower then the shit I step in. You should sign up for a womens RBSD class as the training dummy and refuse to wear pads. You sicken me.

P.S. Can we b frens plz? kthx sir!

Blame it on your drinking.

That’s what I do.

I would like to state that this is the first time I have read this thread . I really didn’t know it existed .

So I would now like to thank


and now

for the brain damage .