Why was my tag removed? Don’t you fuckers listen to Dire Straights? Get with the times.
Dude, why are you stirring shit up?
As someone who knows about the challenge of living with a brain injury I think you are blowing this way out of proportion.
Seriously, relax.
[QUOTE=Mister;2766106]Dude, why are you stirring shit up?
As someone who knows about the challenge of living with a brain injury I think you are blowing this way out of proportion.
Seriously, relax.[/QUOTE]He’s been doing this since 2011, it is all he knows. Go look at his post calling out Omegas as a keyboard warrior.
[QUOTE=Mister;2766106]Dude, why are you stirring shit up?
As someone who knows about the challenge of living with a brain injury I think you are blowing this way out of proportion.
Seriously, relax.[/QUOTE]He’s been doing this since 2011, it is all he knows. Go look at his post calling out Omegas as a keyboard warrior.
[QUOTE=doofaloofa;2766080]They can remove tags?
This is like Natzi Germany man[/QUOTE]
Minus the free car giveaways and extravagant parades!
We’re making great strides in increasing our genocide output.
“Patience is a virtue.”
[QUOTE=Mister;2766106]As someone who knows about the challenge of living with a brain injury…[/QUOTE]
Has your mother sued?
Even back-alley coathanger-slingers should be held liable for malpractice when they fail.
No beard for me. I’ve got enough gray hair as it is.
[QUOTE=Tranquil Suit;2766336]test.[/QUOTE]
Hello? We can hear you loud and clear in the back of the room.
[QUOTE=It is Fake;2766058]Interesting. Well, I’m out. Picking at a stroke survivor, no matter how much of an asshole, is silly.[/QUOTE]
The sad part is that Fake invested so much time trying to beat me in a verbal argument which he lost. In addition I received point deductions for alleged racist statements. I demand you reprint that so I can defend myself. I am not a racist. Just how low will you go?
Are you a pasty white guy?
[QUOTE=atheistmantis;2766530] a verbal argument[/QUOTE]
Did he call you on the phone or something?
He got an infraction for trolling and I hit the wrong button. When you are arguing to win, I didn’t know people still did that on the internet, you have to find something to focus your stroke rage.
It doesn’t help when no one supports your “win.” I guess he wins like the Buffalo Bills.
So basically, you made a mistake, he pointed it out and claimed the “win”?
Does he get a certificate or trophy for winning something? If so, I owe a lot of people trophies!
Pretty much except, he made it public. No one knew as the infraction is a private message. He is still trying to “win” an argument. He probably thinks he posted in this thread, when people have moved his posts. Nope, not just me. He fails to mention that he carried this argument into three other threads, derailing them to continue rage posting at ME, and that the infraction is warranted, but it is under the wrong title.
Oh, I’ll get it corrected, but he’ll be back bitching when I do.
Reversed and corrected.
I had no idea he apologized to me.
Apology accepted.
[QUOTE=Dale Dugas;2766674]Wow,
I had no idea he apologized to me.
Apology accepted.[/QUOTE]
No, no, no.
Follow the script, will you?
Underexpose your personal photos from here on in.
Having done that, demand not only apologies, but also reparations.
(This assumes–correctly–that every poster who owes apologies and reparations is of criminally-Eurocentric descent).
[QUOTE=It is Fake;2766574]He got an infraction for trolling and I hit the wrong button. When you are arguing to win, I didn’t know people still did that on the internet, you have to find something to focus your stroke rage.
It doesn’t help when no one supports your “win.” I guess he wins like the Buffalo Bills.[/QUOTE]
Fake PM’d me with more point deductions along with a picture of a dude in a KKK outfit. You are pond scum fake.