mma biker arrested in America land.

Just popped across this on Facebook. And in a bit of hurry.

Mmaer with biker ties arrested in america for stabbing someone.

So bikers bad. mma good. Stabbing works in the street.

I think its hilarious that you Aussies call them bikies. They try so hard to cultivate a tough image and you give them a name that sounds like a little girl thought it up.

We invented the word selfie as well.

Apparently there is a bit of recruitment between mmaers and bikies. In Brisbane gold coast. It will become a terrible look for Australian mma.

Hard to stop. There is no money in mma and you compete with the instant gratification of being a rich Harley riding gangster. And it will suck a lot of guys in.

Looked the guy up. 4 wins 1 too. Make of that what you will.