MMA and Body Building alternation

Yeah the over-enthusiasm is a big thing for me. When i get into the rhythm, I just want to kill myself, i only feel that i pushed too far when i get home and it hurts when i get out of the car, lol. That is also a bigger problem the older you get.

This video changed my thinking quite a lot.

I now try and think of my training in terms of the week, not the session. Getting in volume over time is better than killing yourself in a single session, also placing emphasis on sport specific training is important.

People also need to stop counting reps and focus on form, thatā€™s the biggest mistake i see most often. I have a friend that does like 200 pushups a day, not one of them has good form, such a waste, will do more damage than good long term. Iā€™d feel better if he just at least threw a pulling action in from time to time. I think itā€™s important to realize which muscle groups you are focusing on, iā€™m so tired of just seeing pushups or one dimensional training. You need to make sure you are counter balancing your muscle groups, e.g. stupid to have crazy strong quads and hammys that are wanting ā€¦

ā€¦ and a good diet, diet is hard. Otherwise youā€™ll look like tyson fury, lol, i sometimes wish heā€™d just throw a few leg days in. Looking at him and deontay wilder in the last fight, looked like theyā€™ve been skipping leg day their whole life ā€¦ haha.

Great point about form. Bad form on one exercise not only robs you of the value but injury fucking sucks and might follow for the rest of your life. I fucked up my shoulder with a bad lift and followed that up with a related elbow injury to go with the arthritic knee on the same side from sitting with my feet on my desk at work for hours whenever I had to do something on my computer. It turn out that 4 hours of that or more a day for 5 to 7 days a week for 15 years is a bad idea.

Yeah with bad form you also overwork the wrong muscle groups which could lead to structural issues. Youā€™ll find your shoulder just starts hurting one day (might just be a niggle at first), then find out that itā€™s sitting in the wrong location because youā€™ve been doing bad pushups for ages. Then you have to start focusing on training the stabilizers, stretching and rehab which can take ages to get your body to function the way itā€™s actually meant to. Also if you are focusing on failure the whole time, and not keeping an eye on form, your body starts to spread the load to other areas to compensate. Your body has an absolutely amazing ability to compensate, which means you often only find issues much further down the road, your body is trying to compensate to make up for the damage you are doing, then when it canā€™t anymore you finally become aware of a recurring pain. Iā€™ve made many, many training mistakes over the years.

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Kettlebells are your friend.

That is all

Iā€™ve actually never done kettlebells. Iā€™m quite keen to try it out, Iā€™ve been looking around for a set. I think i havenā€™t committed because iā€™m not sure how to implement it yet with my current routine.

Loads on the second hand market from people that wanted to start out at home and gave it up.

Learning kettlebell exercises was one of the best decisions in my life.

When all the gyms were closed all I needed was one lump of metal to do a full body work out with cardio .

Gradually moving up in weight.