Matt Furey added to douche bag list. Check.
Phony Cecchine has never won a tournament, or a MMA fight. He goes under different names and builds himself up like the “2nd coming” or something. I tried sitting through all of “Lost Art Of Hooking”. It’s so boring he talks for hours and hours. What he considers a “lost art” is a wrist lock! I paid all that money to hear him.
Phony Cecchine posted some edited video of Lou Thesz saying stuff about him. It’s edited. All it says is that they were good friends. Lou Thesz never said “I taught him everything I know”. Cecchine sugarcoats not having a career, by making all sorts of BS claims. He can’t back up any of it. He even says he’s trained champions? Who? Who honestly got trained by Phony Cecchine, if you know the answer please tell me.
I once owned/saw a copy of Lost Art Of Hooking.
a) Phony Cecchine has never won a mma match/ submissions tournament.
b) It’s like 10 hours of him talking.
c) He considers a wrist lock a “lost art”
d) He keeps putting down GJJ then shows off like 3 or 4 Brazilian Jiu Jitsu moves.
e) He’s got an edited video up on YouTube where Lou Thesz says that they’re good friends. He never said word for word he taught Tony everything about wrestling.
f) He goes under different names on the internet then builds himself up like the 2nd coming. If you ask questions about who he’s fought. He’ll talk $hit and sugarcoat it by making up some claims nobody could verify.
Don’t waste time or money on Phony Cecchine. If he’s never beat anyone, I don’t know why he thinks he can. He also claims he trains champions but never named one.
I don’t want to start a forum war either. But I’ve actually come across Phony Cecchine before. He goes under different names and praises himself as the 2nd coming.
What I don’t get.
He’s never won an MMA match/ submissions tournament. But he thinks he can beat anybody. If you ask around, or ask him directly if he ever has. He sugarcoats it by making 100 claims that are supposed to be impressive. Personally I saw Lost Art Of Hooking and thought it was garbage. I wouldn’t recomend Phony Cecchine to anyone. Its really rare to see someone say they took a personal class with Phony Cecchine. He looks like he’s 5 feet tall and has “little man syndrom”. He doesn’t look like he poses a threat to anyone.
Weirdly random necros
Phony Cecchine his stuff is dumb for a lot of reasons. I hate that guy for all his lies. He acts like he can beat anyone. TRUTH is he’s never had a mma match/ won a submissions tournament.
**About that Lou Thesz video. If you notice it, it’s edited. All he says is that him and Phony were good friends. He never said word for word that he taught him everything he knows.
Phony Cecchine goes under different names on the internet. He praises himself like the 2nd coming. When you ask him about why he has never beat anyone. He’ll always sugarcoat it and try to impress you by making 100 claims he can’t back up. He even claims he trains champions. No one can name one.
ME IZ Angry At Catch Wrestling
The rules basically. If you want to go oldschool to Gotch, and Hackenschmidts days. The rules were something like. Suplexing a guy flat on the mat was just as big as a submission, or winning by a crazy submission.
It’s all just Japanese style of MMA that’s been around forever. Lots of people call it “Pankration”. In Brazil it’s “Luta Livre” or “Vale Tudo”.
But in England it went over real big, just like bareknuckle boxing. It’s just a set of rules really. I’ll be speaking more about this and Phony Cecchine so look back if your still interested.
I can’t stand Phony Cecchine. He claims and claims but can’t back nothing up. He’s never had a single mma match, or won a submissions tournament. But he acts like he can beat anyone. Don’t waste time or money on him. Lost Art Of Hooking was a joke. He puts down GJJ over and over but then he’ll show like 4 BJJ moves. He’s the only guy I’ve seen consider a wrist lock a “lost art”.
Necromancer of doom
You dislike him so much that you resurrect a 5 year old thread to say absolutely nothing?
Well done.
No I did say something. Didn’t you read what I said. I spoke the truth, I spoke my opinion. I do consider Phony Cecchine the worse thing to ever happen to the Instructional Martial Arts business. Every now and then, like let’s say he has a video or something out there. There’s always at least 1 “good” review that says the same thing. That somebody personally met Phony Cecchine and that he sure knows his stuff. How? How is he so sure of himself that he can beat anybody if he’s never had a pro fight.
Or let me guess bro. You don’t know an answer to that question either huh? Who has Phony Cecchine ever beat? Nobody right?
OK, I’ll bite.
Apart from your devilishly clever play on Tony/phoney you didn’t actually illuminate us with the source of your antagonism toward the man.
I’ll admit I don’t know a lot about him, he seems to be very localised. I train in Lancashire wrestling and do like to try and keep up with the catch spin off. He seems a little dubious (Instructional DVD’s are always suspicious).
I had a browse round his website, he claims to have trained MMA, BJJ etc fighters. Can’t see where he claims to have beaten them. If you’ve got links, lets have them. Then we can claim shenanigans properly. Deal?
[QUOTE=hector17rico;2558676]The rules basically. If you want to go oldschool to Gotch, and Hackenschmidts days. The rules were something like. Suplexing a guy flat on the mat was just as big as a submission, or winning by a crazy submission.
This is completely wrong; CACC discouraged win by submission. Victory was by pinfall or concession, but if the ref thought you forced the concession on purpose you could be disqualified. If you blew out someone’s knee with a toehold, you might get the ‘W’, but you’d also get boo’d and pelted with garbage. You were supposed to use a hold like that to force the other player onto his back to relieve the pressure; If he refused to budge, the ref would probably give it to you, but if he tried to go to his back and you popped his knee anyway then you’d lose the match.
Gotch Era CACC did not have a lot of ‘crazy submissions’, they really only used a couple of hokds as submissions, the really crazy stuff being invented after they started wrestling with JuJutsu guys (Kodokan or otherwise).
[QUOTE=Saker;2559205]Apart from your devilishly clever play on Tony/phoney you didn’t actually illuminate us with the source of your antagonism toward the man.
I’ll admit I don’t know a lot about him, he seems to be very localised. I train in Lancashire wrestling and do like to try and keep up with the catch spin off. He seems a little dubious (Instructional DVD’s are always suspicious).
I had a browse round his website, he claims to have trained MMA, BJJ etc fighters. Can’t see where he claims to have beaten them. If you’ve got links, lets have them. Then we can claim shenanigans properly. Deal?[/QUOTE]
You sense a Grue lurking in the shadows
>talk to Grue
This Grue only rarely talks to anyone
>kill Grue
What do you want to kill it with?
This Grue is resistant to flaming.
The Grue has gone back to lurking in the shadows.
I actually own the lost art of hooking and liked most of it. There is some crazy low percentage moves in there and the “Catch > BJJ” marketing gets old, but I still utilize a lot of his concepts pinning and unique submissions. I can’t speak for his lineage or how bad ass he is, but he does move fluid and his instruction is competent.
For just under $3K you can become a Catch wrestling instructor and can open a school anywhere in the world… all you have to do is fork out for the “Tri C’s” training course and learn what’s in the dvd’s, then regardless of age or experience you will be an undefeatable wrecking ball. I was fairly impressed with most of what I saw on the site until I came across that page That’s pretty similar to Black Dragon Society marketing tactics.
[QUOTE=Matt Phillips;2559231]This is completely wrong; CACC discouraged win by submission. Victory was by pinfall or concession, but if the ref thought you forced the concession on purpose you could be disqualified. If you blew out someone’s knee with a toehold, you might get the ‘W’, but you’d also get boo’d and pelted with garbage. You were supposed to use a hold like that to force the other player onto his back to relieve the pressure; If he refused to budge, the ref would probably give it to you, but if he tried to go to his back and you popped his knee anyway then you’d lose the match.
Gotch Era CACC did not have a lot of ‘crazy submissions’, they really only used a couple of hokds as submissions, the really crazy stuff being invented after they started wrestling with JuJutsu guys (Kodokan or otherwise).[/QUOTE]
IIRC it was Ad Santel’s constant clashes with Judo that brought in more submission holds into CACC.
[QUOTE=Gezere;2559447]IIRC it was Ad Santel’s constant clashes with Judo that brought in more submission holds into CACC.[/QUOTE]
Santel’s feud with the Kodokan raised interest among the Japanese for CACC; Catch was already assimilating JuJutsu subs in America and the UK before Santel started cross-styles wrestling.
P.S. Where’d you get your information on the KOPPO dojo? I’m interested in this.
I actually got it from Lou Thesz book “Hooker” that I read about 8 years ago. I still have it somewhere. Also all the reprints I got form Jake Shannon seems to fith this because the books that show more “hooks” seem to be after Santel started his feud. The ones before don’t show a lot and mainly shows pinning techniques.
[QUOTE=Saker;2559205]Apart from your devilishly clever play on Tony/phoney you didn’t actually illuminate us with the source of your antagonism toward the man.
I’ll admit I don’t know a lot about him, he seems to be very localised. I train in Lancashire wrestling and do like to try and keep up with the catch spin off. He seems a little dubious (Instructional DVD’s are always suspicious).
I had a browse round his website, he claims to have trained MMA, BJJ etc fighters. Can’t see where he claims to have beaten them. If you’ve got links, lets have them. Then we can claim shenanigans properly. Deal?[/QUOTE]
60 post man speaky truth.
Oh really, are there still “Catch Wrestling Schools” in England? If so what are their names/websites?