Martial Arts Superstar Jason Yee's "Dark Assassin"

Former National Champion in Forms, Weapons and Full-contact fighting, Jason Yee shows off his martial arts prowess in new movie, “Dark Assassin.”

I had the chance to see Jason Yee’s movie “Dark Assassin” about a year ago at a film festival in New York and was pleasantly surprised by it considering the budget of the film. This is Jason’s first big jump since being a martial arts phenom and coach of the Boston San-Shou Team - which has won over 35 National and World titles in San- Shou, Muay Thai, and American/International rules Kick-boxing - to Entertainer, Director and Producer. This is not an easy jump to make. I think the movie comes together quite well and I would recommend it to any Martial Arts fan.

You can view the trailer here

“ahahahahahaa…weird…that guy doesn’t look like asian…probably he’s thai or something like that…he have only few asian facial caracteristics”

You just gotta love the youtube comments…

Hey! Boston SanShou! That’s us!

To be perfectly honest… it looks stupid. At least with a (for example) tony jaa film, I can ignore the stupid story and look at the gravity defying leaps o’ amazement.

I thought the fight scenes looked pretty good, but yeah, everything else, horrible.

I don’t intend to see it, but I can emphathize with their low budget.

Looks fun. I’ll see it.

Always up for a Bruce Lee clone.