Katara. Goddam nice work.
Should this be in LLL? or at least have a NWS tag?
ah screw it
The ?, finally a thread where you can post in!!
Moving on though:
Tifa (final fantasy)
Misa (death note)
Not sure who this is…
(world of warcraft, game)
lights up stoogie
Ahhh… good times…wait… aww damn it, not on the screen again!
The asian girls are about the only ones who can pull this off though the underage type faces are just plain scary.
More fucking scary people:
Lenalee (D. Gray Man)
Lil’s I know, asian chicks rock at this. Do do the guys though…
Vincent (Final Fantasy)
Lavi (D.Gray man)
Does this turn anyone on?
Those who say aye, proceed to the gas ch…I mean the welcome room.
No, but it’s fun…
Sorry, i’ll go be a geek elsewhere.
I thought this was just Misa in a different costume. She wore things remarkably similar to that.
Wait, is this a good cosplay or sloppy cosplay thread?
Because I have sooooooooo many sloppy cosplay pictures that would burn eyes off.
Excellent point… Though, she is meant to be blond. But, now you mention it- it just might be.
Oh well
Liiiiike this: (avert eyes)
If you got pics, post’em if you want.
You gotta take the good with the bad (and the ugly):
I’d hit that:
Hmmm, maybe i wont go to animania this year…
1: What does this have to do with Martial Arts?
And this is just plain disturbing:
Cardcaptor Will, who is not nearly as funny as Man-Faye.
That was a record small amount of time before someone posted Kipi.So, class, yes, Kipi’s 100% vagina-bearing she-woman, and she’s probably legal, but unless you’ve got a spare couple hundred to travel to Japan, forget it.
Not sure who this is…
Either some thinly disguised wank-fodder alternate Asuka or one of the not at all disguised wank-fodder from He Is My Master.
There’s something off about that James. I realize that he’s already a pretty fruity character and they’re posing in a flower shop but there’s something weirdly queenish about him…Almost Snapelike.
3: My own stuff which pales in comparison to the above.
Mori-sempai and Kyouya (Ouran High School Host Club)
The timeless art of seduction…
Kyouya’s basically the Host Club’s Adolf Eichmann.
Side note: you’re not actually supposed to be able to see their breasts since their characters are boys so I don’t know what’s up with that.
Steampunk “Lesser Engine” Pendant
Finally, the anime/video game guitar covers I do:
“Rose”, the opening from NANA:
Zetsubou Billy, second Death Note ending:
HALO opening and the beggining of Serial Experiments Lain’s “Duvet”:
Fucking hell, who the fuck mods this forum??
moves thread
Carry on…
1: What does this have to do with Martial Arts?
Beat me by less than a minute.
Aaaw, steve, now i cant postwhore
Is that you? geez, Kyoya is meant to be cool
I joke, is that a bought costume, or did you put that together?
Are you people serious?! Even MAP hasn’t gone this far down the drain.