Martial Arts Cosplay

I… I have no words…

OH god!!!

Does this count?

I mean, come on…

Damn, Sochin. Nice. Fucking murderous, man.

Check it. Cosplay is not just for hot Japanese honeys.

Oh hell yeah:

Wait? Cosplay on Bullshido? Yet, there aren’t any jokes on the virginity of nerds, save for that one comment. It has happened. The nerd populous has overcome bullshido, including myself. Which can be a good or bad thing. On the one hand, less ignorant nerds to deal with who believe in “chi” or that Frank Dux is “Uber Win. SNARF!” On the other however…wait no…That’s a good thing too. Cons will be overun with intelligent nerds beating up on the ignorant ones…

I approve this move. ;D Just so that youtube will be littered with nerd on nerd violence. And not the larping fake kind anymore.

Is it just me or does this chick look like julia styles?

Dear god, no thread on BS is safe to check out at work these days!!!

This is what happens when nerds are allowed to copulate.

I didn’t get to the face…

does. not. compute.

As Ms. Swan would say, “Okee, I tell you eh-we-ting: he look-a like a man!”,


Heysus kristos!
here Lils, knock yourself out:

Holy shit the Princess Leia picture.

Other then that, fuck you Sochin. I don’t know why I still read your posts. XD

I jest dear fellow, keep up the good work.

As you speak, nerds are in ur bed, fuckin’ ur wives.

and organising your dvd collection…

Wow, for a thread of women pics this is pretty gay. And don’t try and tell me some mildly attractive asian girl dressed up in some stupid bullshit makes up for it, although, the Leia thing is a good start twoards fixing it.

Who cares. Less work for me…

plus, it just leaves her wanting more.

Inoue Orihime.