Luke Holloway Write-up


Luke Holloway came to Bullshido’s attention in May of 2006. He was originally the head of a martial arts school called Zhen Dao Wushu, which sold itself as a CMA school in Australia.

This article is drawn directly from the material which was presented [here - thread link] the thread was originally started by forum member Bodhi108 on the 27 Oct 2010.

Holloway then specifically claimed of law enforcement & military training & advertising himself on a social networking site [link] as an operative. He apparently expanded his operations into the USA, specifically Maryland.

Luke Holloway bio

I. Martial Arts Experience

Holloway claims to have received Dan ranking or instructor certification in the following arts:

*Kung Fu (No mention of a particular style or styles)
*Silat (Holloway claims “a number of systems”, but again, no particulars are named)
*FMA (no specific systems named, other than Kali/Escrima/Arnis)

Holloway’s bio makes no mention of any particular instructors, rankings, or certifications that he has actually received, only empty, blanket claims. The only instructor listed in his bio is Grand Master Siow of Malaysia, who Holloway states is his Lion Dance teacher.

II. Security & Law Enforcement Experience

Holloway claims to have been involved in security industry & law enforcement for, at the time of writing, aproximately 10 years but does not make any specific claims to have served or trained with any specific law enforcement agency at any time. He claims to have had “hands on” law enforcement experience in the following countries:

*Hong Kong

III. Security & Law Enforcement Certification

He claims to hold qualifications & certifications in the United States & Australia which would be recognized by the international law enforcement & security community, but he does not provide those certifications. He claims the following:

*NRA membership
*Government qualified in coaching (NCAS)
*Government qualified in training & assessement
*Government qualified security & protective operative
*Government qualified in risk management, assessment, & consultations (security)

Holloway claimed to be “STILL an active operative”, but makes no mention of who he is an “operative” for.

Following the creation of the thread, an interview with Holloway was presented in the thread :

Entitled “10 questions about Luke Holloway” the article confirmed a number of the claims Holloway had been making both online through his Youtube account [link] and through the Social Networking site Facebook [link] The article has been copied and can be read without any editing here [link]

On the 6th Dec 2010 a newly registered forum member “Mimo” entered the thread discussion with his/her first post [link] the post from “mimo” appeard a little defensive and slightly antagonistic in nature. Forum member “Rock Ape” clarified…

"Luke Holloway claims to be teaching Military and Special Forces.

Given that Holloway has never served in either capacity makes it HIGHLY UNLIKELY if not ENTIRELY IMPOSSIBLE for someone of Holloway’s age and or experience to be employed in that role.

You talk about certified and qualified - don’t bullshit me by trying to equate the position of the Presidency of the United States against someone attempting to pad their resume.

The way you try to compare being qualified/certified but miss the all important bit being actually EXPERIENCED.

How much military EXPERIENCE has Holloway to justify his claim of teaching those professionals? How much Special Forces EXPERIENCE has Holloway to justify his claim of teaching those professionals.

I’m military with a career going back to 1983, and Holloway’s weapon skills (firearms) are appalling from what he’s presenting on the internet.

Given that Holloway lives in Japan, has Japanese students and you are yourself posting from Japan. That your first post just happens to be in this thread, forgive me for being just a little bit cautious about your motives for posting."

Mimo continued to post, each occasion it appeard to be supporting, perhaps not directly Holloway’s position and attempting to debunk the thread’s purpose.

More to follow - Bio…luke-holloway/

Within the above interview Holloway claimed to be

“As certified by the Australian Government in Risk Management, Security, Protection, Crisis Management, Sports Coaching and Work Place Training & Assessment (etc) I was able to structure things pretty easily… things kinda just… fell into place.”

Again we see Holloway’s use of ambiguous statements because according to Facebook Holloway gained at least one qualification from the Australian Security Academy.

Now, Australian Government Policy may well require people to hold these qualifications, that doesn’t mean however; "…certified by the Australian Government" (emphasis mine)

This is a good example of ambiguity - holding those qualifications isn’t specifically the question, I don’t doubt Holloway actually does, it’s the nature of the statements he presents in the public domain which, through their ambiguity, intentionally lead people to another conclusion.

Same with Holloway’s statements about training Military and Special Forces. I have no doubt that Holloway has taught people in those professions as individual students but, that doesn’t warrant him suggesting through ambiguous wording, as if he’s employed directly to train such groups.

To put some context into this, in 2010 Luke Holloway was approximately 20 years old.

In another thread created by [name] a number of Youtube videos of Holloway’s were posted for critique.

More to follow

Images to accompany the article

Incidently, Dave, anyone can send in money and become a National Rifle Association Member, there is no proficiency test or background check, and there are several million of us. What would be relevant is if he were an NRA certified instructor.


The latter link will take you to a whole series of courses offered by the NRA for turning a police officer or private security guard into a firearms, or tactical firearms instructor. The type of private security which goes through this type of training typically guard nuclear power plants, not malls. One of the things that they require is a minimum of three years of private or professional police experience. I doubt that an unarmed bouncing gig would qualify one for such a course.

Thanks mate that info is great.

From the vast amount of material Holloway presents about himself in the public domain - He appears to be a narcissistic personality who craves admiration from others. Not content with doing what he does and minding his own business, he seems absolutely compelled to make what he does known to the world at large, almost as if he’s doing it to prove something. That in it’s self is a major red flag within a community he claims and or aspires to operate in.

Despite all of the material he’s posted on social networking sites, his own multiple domains and of course youtube, non of this information actually corroborates his claims of being involved in teaching Military Special Forces and Law Enforcement his brand of fighting skills.

Considering how much money Holloway wishes to charge for his seminars, one wonders what basis of credibility those fees are based. So far, there hasan’t seen one shred of evidence to support much of what Holloway claims.

As an experienced tactical instructor, qualified marksman and experienced in current operational warfare, When I see someone like Holloway teaching his brand of skill at arms I can instantly recognise poorly understood drills and skills, couple that with that fact he’s videoed himself doing this using TOY GUNS, then it’s becomes easy to understand the skepticism regarding his claims.

It is also understood that Holloway is now a Certified NRA member and has undergone a number of qualification weapon courses however, in context it’s important to remember that anyone can send in money and become a National Rifle Association Member, there is no proficiency test or background check, and there are several million NRA members. There’s nothing inherently special about that. Additionally, anyone can pay their hard earned money and attend a chosen firearms course. That doesn’t mean those individuals have pertinent real world experience to offer others in return for a fee.

The latter link takes you to a whole series of courses offered by the NRA for turning a police officer or private security guard into a firearms, or tactical firearms instructor. The type of private security which goes through this type of training typically guard nuclear power plants, not malls.

One of the prerequisites they require is a minimum of three years of private or professional police experience. Given that Holloway doesn’t appear to have served in any Law Enforcement capacity, it’s unlikely he has access to this type of qualification training.

Given the discussions on, which casts some doubt into Holloway’s credibility, it appears odd therefore that Holloway broadcasts himself to the world as he does but shied away from the opportunity of silencing arguably the largest English speaking martial arts website on the internet. It is understood from one of his former Australian students, [link to post] that Holloway was very aware of the discussions which took place on [link] actively advising his students not to respond. Indeed his Facebook was questioned by a founder member of one of the largest independent security associations [link to image] regarding his claims of being an “operator”. However; by answering a handful of very simple questions about his claims he would have had the opportunity to dispel the skepticism and concerns being discussed on Bullshido and elsewhere.

In conclusion, we can only suggest that “buyers beware” with regard to Luke Holloway, Raw Combat International and, his claims presented in the public domain.

Sam can you look the above over and suggest changes.

With thanks


Here is the holding page for the narrative :

No content exists at the moment

More images

Hi Dave, I’ll look at the text on Saturday, Sam

Has this guy mentioned ONE police department or military unit he’s provided training to?

No, but he’s alluded too.

A recent video shows him in the company of a Brazilian Police unit however, it seems much more like a look-a-round rather than him being contracted to work for.

There’s a lot of instances of Holloway claiming to have trained Special Forces yada yada but never a hint of who that my be or actually when, a classic example of such ambiguaty is seen in the Combative corner interview within the first paragraph and later when he’s quoted as saying…

I have taught security, law enforcement, customs and military/SF in more countries then I ever imagined visiting

Or on his facebook page where he openly advertised the fact (see an earlier attached image)

Dave don’t take this the wrong way, but I’d remove some of the personal critiques or move them to the end.

Try to keep it clinical and then add your take at the end.

Sure mate I welcome all comments and I’ll never take it personally, good points mate well made.

I like this one.

Still got a few other edits mate but thanks, you previous comments appreciated.

What you’ll notice is I’ve removed the I and replaced with we, that way it’s not personally orientated.

Additional content to be added somewhere appropriate to the certification claims.

Cert 4 TAA (Formerly - Workplace Training & Assessment)

Cert 4 Security & Risk Management

Cert 4 Government Investigations

Cert 4 OH & S (Occupational Health & Safety)

A number of the qualifications Holloway claims to be as certified by the "Australian “Government” are in fact issued from a Registered Training Organisation. [link] At Cert 4, this the minimum level to be able to teach and assess someone in a particular skill or subject and the qualifications are competency based.

We understand from an Australian Bullshido contributor [link] who is also in receicpt of such documentation, that there is nothing particularly special associated with this certificatation indeed it is understood that it is required for activities such as hairdressing.

Given recent activity on the Holloway MABS thread, I’m going to hold off completing the draft content until we see how the current insurge of contributions pan out.

That makes sense. Dave, do you have anyone in Japan who speaks fluent Japanese? We need someone to call his local police station and find out if he’s providing “tactical” training to them.

Alternately, has he ever provided the name of a single organization that we could track down.