Luke Holloway MABS Cull - All merged

[quote=mimo;2477500]I cannot comment what he claims and in what time frame. (details important)
Please tell me WHAT he is teaching special forces and answer the questions
I asked. I couldnt give a hoot about Luke Holloway, dont know him, Im not in Japan but Im always interested in 14 y/o script kiddies lol.

My analogies still stand. You study Koryu Bujutsu do you ? OK I too am a a LARPER. I like the Hocks, Jims and others of this world. Love the Jim Wagner knife yet bozzo`s especially ex mil. always wanna reinvent the wheel and make their own.

See if Luke Holloway or anyone else out there was teaching JTMA and saying so I would get on the band wagon.

In addition to my other questions Please define experience.

** The USMC change their CQC all the time and whats it now based on BJJ ? or Koryu Jujutsu ROFLMAO ? I would rather someone like him teach me about guns than a cop. Now if I turned up to a class and he didnt know stuff well I just wouldnt go back. I dont know, cant say but Im guessing you dont either.

You are a moderator ? already manipulating and mis-informing. I will tell you what I will be in Japan over XMAS, see a few buddies in Yokosuka and I might just drop in and meet the guy first hand. PS just for ref - I have seen MASTERS of Koryu Bujutsu cut off their toes doing Tameshigiri and their thumbs doing Natto/Batto. I assume thats the experience you are referring to ?

I will be in Brazil in 20 mins will post you from there lol

You aint SF Mr 1983[/quote]

and[quote=mimo;2477510]To answer your question: Motives ? Actually I was checking him out came across some of the postings and saw a whole lot of script kiddies, armchair warriors and the like and thought yeah yeah OK I understand some of the comments, looked at the vids but never seen in person and I dont believe everything I read in general.

Thought some of the posts were not needed and childish and disturbing and I wanted to feel the people who post and try to get some tangible understanding. He came to the UK and thought I wanna go the next time.

These boards are supposed to be for fact and making people aware of fraudulent claims. So I am wanting to know the juicy details. There is nothing on Bujinkan and ninjutsu in a taijutsu form never existed yet its a multi million dollar business so if a forum like Bullshido can help others make informed decisions then Im all for that.

Like I said I have wasted time/money and relationships studying and believing JTMA masters yet no one really goes after them. Instead after this guy who doesnt claim to be a MA at all - Im lost. I am truly interested in real self defence. Anyone seen Hatsumis gun and knife defense - seriously lets get some perspective.

Hatsumi taught special forces and FBI and that mofo never been in a fight LOL - now please describe the experience BENCHMARK so that we all understand.

EOM[/quote]Here’s the thing.

This thread isn’t about me or anyone else other than LUKE HOLLOWAY

You’ve come here and started demanding we answer YOUR QUESTIONS ?

You’ve started with the petty insults so you’re already starting to show that you’re not the person you claim to be.

Welcome to bullshido. Hatsumi has been discussed as well as Bodhi108 netiher of which are topics of this thread…

Please read the rules and understand the issue.

One thing we will not allow, in this thread, is a derail from the topic at hand. If you have questions about Bodhi108 you can ask them in another thread.

Luke is not Hatsumi and neither is Bodhi108. This post can stay but, any others adjusting this topic, based on Bodhi and Hatsumi or any other derail will be removed.

Thank you.

Removed Bodhi, Hatsumi and JJJ posts:
Luke Holloway MABS CULL: On Topic? What Does it mean? - No BS MMA and Martial Arts

Luke Holloway/Team Wujin/RAW Combat Investigation Thread - No BS MMA and Martial Arts

We have several threads investigating Hatsumi, the Bujinkan, as well as gentlemen like Wagner who have padded their resume. Why do you think Wagner no longer writes for Black Belt? He was exposed.

This thread is about none of them. It is investigating Luke Holloway’s claims of being “an operative” and of training government agencies.

As a consumer, I have a right to make educated decisions with how I spend my time and money. Holloway is chargng an exhorbinant rate for three days of training and certification. If I am going to invest my time and hard-earned money, I have the right to ask him to verify his background and claims. He claims to have trained “Special Units”, but offers no proof, no commendations, no letters of recommendation.

I could spend a similar amount of money (or less), and train with Kelly McCann & Ernest Emerson, both of whom claim similar backgrounds to Holloway. The difference is that these men are older and can prove their claims of experience through commendations and recommendations. If I approach the Federal Air Marshalls and ask about Kelly McCann’s training, they will verify that he has worked with them.

What OFFICIAL AGENCY is willing to verify Holloway?

You would rather be taught by some guy who CLAIMS to be an “operator” than an actual verified LEO? Now…not all LEO’s are equal when it comes to firearms skills…agreed, but that statement alone makes me wanna raise the BS flag on you.

You obviously signed up to post on this topic. Who are YOU and whats your real game here?


You obviously signed up to post on this topic. Who are YOU and whats your real game here?[/quote]
No, you don’t understand.

If a cop only fires his gun once that means he never received or continued qualifying on the range or shooting his gun geez.


Hatsumi is a fraud? Why didn’t any of you guys tell me this? I feel Bullshido has let me down.

We should totally ignore this Holloway goon to go after Hatsumi.

Excuse me. I hear the doorbell ringing. brb…


Hatsumi is a fraud? Why didn’t any of you guys tell me this? I feel Bullshido has let me down.

We should totally ignore this Holloway goon to go after Hatsumi.

Excuse me. I hear the doorbell ringing. brb…[/quote]

Do you feel like you’ve wasted your life?

[quote=Larus marinus;2477045]Douche: If I talk, THEY will send the undercover secret seal squad after me and my family.

i served in such a team
dont ask me for any proof please i was the blue one

[quote=Bodhi108;2477824]You’re welcome. Anyone charging what Holloway charges should not obfuscate about his credentials. As I mentioned before, legitimate RBSD and Combatives instructors such as Kelly McCann, Paul Vunak, and Ernest Emerson all have their details available. Vunak can even provide letters of recommendation from the Navy SEALs. Given Holloway’s age, I doubt he has worked for anyone who is so secret squirrel that they couldn’t do the same.

Several of Mimo’s posts were moved to another thread as they had nothing to do with the topic at hand. That thread is linked above, it It is Fake’s post.

If I was to hire someone to work for my company, I would ask to see their resume & do a background check on them.

Holloway’s seminars add up to being over $1000. What he needs to understand is that someone interested in attending his seminar is HIRING HIM to provide a service. If he can’t supply his resume, references, and pass a background check…

What company of any nature would hire someone who won’t supply their resume, references, and submit to a background check? What company would hire someone solely based on “their word”?[/quote]
i agree with you 100% i hate the fact these guys claim to be military my uncle and father were both vets in my countries worst wars
so just being from a military family the whole i am a special teacher of the 1337 teams yet i never ever serve nor even was a boyscout strikes a nerve with me
and the claiming to have like 2000 street fights(you know where thats from)
my dad and my uncle can both prove with out any doubt they were enlisted
and have service patches etc etc
hell i would have been happy if they showed a dog tag,im getting annoyed with all the fakes
i met sambosteve from here he seems like a chill dude hopefully i’ll get to train with him,im the age so im gonna enlist so i may not but will when i can
on topic luke’s stuff sucks period i took ninjustu and the knife stuff they taught was better so i can already tell you hes bullshitting
i wanna see when he gets here cuz i know a few pinoys(filipinos) and teachers

i wanna be here when the poo hits the fan

Not really.


Thank Crom for alcohol, cigars and pr0n.

Alcohol, cigars, and pr0n would make even the Chun bearable.

Thanks Master Wong!

Don’t thank me yet. I avoided the Chun, so I don’t know what I’m talking about. Maybe nothing makes the Chun bearable.

But why should that stop me? Maybe I’ll charge $1000 for a three day certification (with an online pre-requisite) course in “Surviving the Chun.”

[quote=Styygens;2478176]Don’t thank me yet. I avoided the Chun, so I don’t know what I’m talking about. Maybe nothing makes the Chun bearable.

But why should that stop me? Maybe I’ll charge $1000 for a three day certification (with an online pre-requisite) course in “Surviving the Chun.”[/quote]Add some lds or shrooms to the mix and you’ll be shooting qi lazorz in no time.

Why would he want to add Mormons into the mix?

They’d take all the shrooms!!

Isn’t Chun already porn itself??

to be more specific, watching porn and masturbating.

Some people prefer it over sex y’know.

[quote=Santa Gnaws;2478182]Why would he want to add Mormons into the mix?

They’d take all the shrooms!![/quote]Because every guy you invite is going to have like 12 wives, think of the guy/girl ratio you just created! And also you’ll finally be able to understand their doctrine with enough shrooms in you…

Convenient that you just happen to post in this thread as your entry to this website.

Why don’t you simply admit that you’re either Holloway or one of his crew.

You want to question my military background? It wouldn’t be the first time someone has tried to divert a discussion away from the topic at hand so, here’s how you do this…

You start a separate thread in this forum and ask your questions, I’ll then address your concerns however; my military status as an ‘Expert’ (that’s my classification) as a marksman isn’t in doubt, I’ve already provided evidence of that before to Staff members and the legal team of this website, if you’d like verification of that from an Attorney, just ask, in the thread you create.

This thread is about LUKE HOLLOWAY - no one else.

You’ve been warned about attempting to derail this thread, don’t try this again.