Luke Holloway MABS Cull - All merged

[quote=Merry Meow Meow;2475261]YouTube - Police Street Fighting: Baton vs Knife

A few thoughts:

  1. Check his lower arms: Skinny, without visible scars. No visible bruises.

  2. His equipment: A wild collection of tools from different sets. Looking very new, also.

  3. His body complexion. Big, but not essentially muscular. Also, he is very, very young, probably younger than me.

  4. The knife defense technique he shows is a Wing Chun beginners technique.

  5. The baton defense technique contains moments where he crosses his arms while holding the stick. Which under pressure twists his wrists. Also, this is a technique I came to know while practicing Wing Chun.

My guess: Small town ex-bouncer silat instructor, who has learned WC “street defense” from the videos sold by the EWTO.[/quote]

WTF, the video says “Saitama, Japan,” and baby face is carrying a pistol?

And also Australia? Carrying a pistol?

Very, very strange.


[quote=BKR;2475813]WTF, the video says “Saitama, Japan,” and baby face is carrying a pistol?

And also Australia? Carrying a pistol?

Very, very strange.



[quote=Bah Humbug;2475712]
I am genuinely at a loss to understand your rational for creating a video about responding to a sexual advance from a member of the gay community. ??? Seriously ?

Just say no.[/quote]

Are you kidding, and miss out on free drink? Who said you had to put out afterwards?

[quote=Santa Gnaws;2475631]YouTube - REAL GROUND FIGHTS & ESCAPE TRAINING

His disclaimer at the beginning of the video is that it is ‘escape training.’ He is trying to demonstrate and encourage escape from a mounted position when the person on top is punching non-stop.

My disclaimer: I understand there are a lot of grappling arts with subtle variations in techniques and ‘end game’ (what you are working towards). There are universal concepts based on physics and physiology which permeate each art though.

At 1:21, he lists his ‘objectives’: look for the openings (face), pin his body to one side, and then pull/push the arm/head to roll the person on top off of him (‘controlling the neck’). His ‘objectives’ are VERY low-percentage.

  1. At no point in the beginning of the video does he advocate use of the hips or disrupting the base of the person on top. This (hip bump / upa / bridge) is VERY fundamental to mount escapes. The bridge motion is one of the strongest motions that the human body is capable of. To not advocate using it in the ‘objectives’ is a gross oversight. The person on top can’t punch if he has to post a hand out to avoid falling over. Later in the video (4:40), he mentions that a ‘common tactic’ to use against a bigger person is to use the hips. Using it as an ‘after thought’ or secondary tactic is a horrible strategy.

  2. Reaching for the face is ineffective if the person on top is postured up. Later in the video (4:25) he even mentions that the guy couldn’t reach his head because he was taller. Overlooking the arm bar for now (which most grappling guys will quickly point out), extending the arm like that only creates a HUGE opening for punches. How can he advocate reaching when half of his defense is compromised? How can he advocate a technique which only works on shorter people?

  3. Pulling on the arm at the elbow can help in breaking down the posture of the person on top. It can bring the head within reach if that is your goal. BUT, doing it without the use of the hips to disrupt their base and getting them to post means that you have to commit 2 hands to BEGIN to break down their posture (still low percentage). So now, you have ZERO defense against the person on top’s other arm that is still raining down punches and elbows.

  4. Pushing the person over to the side won’t work, even if you push against their head. The person on top has full use of his core, legs, and upper body. Do you really think that the person on bottom using only their arm/shoulder is going to overcome that? Even if you have their elbow pinned against your chest, you are only using your upper chest. Through this, the person on top still has their base. The physics do not work out.

Watch the encounter at 6:35: his ‘objectives’ fail, he scoots out from under a leg, tries some sort of ‘kick over’, turns over, gives up his back, and then brute forces his way over to side control. All the while, he was eating punches. If that wasn’t telling, I’m not sure what is.

Memorable Quote: “You can’t rely purely on technique. That’s bullshit. Its just will, ya know?”

But you have to have the proper technique to give your ‘will’ a chance. If you don’t, you are going to get hurt with the false sense of confidence that bad technique instills.[/quote]

I wanted to throw up after the first technique…

What gets me is how in the fuck these guys get people to join their training seminars…I need to get a hold of his marketing manager or maybe I should start putting false claims on my site.

People are simply gullible and/or they have the same warrior fantasy as the person running the class. Here there are literally some of the baddest guys you ever want to me walking around. Tried and True shooters and ass kickers. Yet there are two civilian schools that I know of that claim to teach high speed uber CQC methods that are FOS. Yet their classes are full. Now the LEGIT civilian schools (that are ran by former shooters and asskickers) struggle.

Thats a shame that the fake schools do better than legit ones. I guess those that learn from the fakes will realize it when the crap hits the fan and figure out what they were taught does not work in the real world.

They do “better” because they’re catering to a specific group of people - Walts - who, want to talk the shit but don’t want the hard work which is involved in getting there legitimately.

Look at Holloway as a good example. He’s offering 3 day THREE FUCKING DAY instructor certification courses where students are required to follow the online (youtube) teaching/course material before attending a premium priced course.

No legit organisation offering real qualifications in such subjects would operate in such ways.

Consider this - Interview

Private Military Contract Company [insert the name of your favourite here] “So you want to work as a PMC in Afghanistan?”

Douche “Yes please”

Private Military Contract Company “ok so how many years did you serve your country?”

Douche “er… none”

Private Military Contract Company “Okaaaay… so how about your tactical experience?”

Douche “Ah yes see this is where I done good, I got this quailification from an Australian dude over three days”

Private Military Contract Company “Three days?? [eyes roll], this Australian dude he’s Special Forces or done wet work?”

Douche “er… no, he’s never been in the Military but he’s taught in 19 countries and I don’t think he was ever a scuba diver”

Private Military Contract Company “Get the fuck out my office you douche”

Door slams

[quote=Bah Humbug;2476485]Consider this - Interview

Private Military Contract Company [insert the name of your favourite here] “So you want to work as a PMC in Afghanistan?”

Douche “Yes please”

Private Military Contract Company “ok so how many years did you serve your country?”

Douche “er… none”

Private Military Contract Company “Okaaaay… so how about your tactical experience?”

Douche “Ah yes see this is where I done good, I got this quailification from an Australian dude over three days”

Private Military Contract Company “Three days?? [eyes roll], this Australian dude he’s Special Forces or done wet work?”

Douche “er… no, he’s never been in the Military but he’s taught in 19 countries and I don’t think he was ever a scuba diver”

Private Military Contract Company “Get the fuck out my office you douche”

Door slams[/quote]

Later, on the internet…

Douche: I attended a meeting with <PMC Company> today and discussed how my tactical CQC knowledge could benefit their operations.

[quote=Larus marinus;2476505]Later, on the internet…

Douche: I attended a meeting with <PMC Company> today and discussed how my tactical CQC knowledge could benefit their operations.[/quote]Resume padding at it’s best

Guys on Tacti-Special-BlackOps-Forces forum: Sweet. What did this meeting involve?

Douche: I’m not allowed to talk about it.

It’s that easy… :eusa_eh:

“Special Forces Knife Training”

I’m guessing these forces were on a break from training for their Olympics?

[quote=ermghoti;2476932]“Special Forces Knife Training”

I’m guessing these forces were on a break from training for their Olympics?[/quote]Why are you the holder of two other accounts on this website ?

Choose one otherwise loose all three.

[quote=Bah Humbug;2476957]Why are you the holder of two other accounts on this website ?

Choose one otherwise loose all three.[/quote]

I’ve only registered once. Could you PM me the names on the other accounts, and or email the addresses used to register? If I’m wrong, I’ll fix it before bed.

EDIT: If you’re going by IP addresses, I’m currently posting at a facility with about 500 computers.

My favorite response to this type of thing is “Let us speak boldly, as men do”.

Douche: If I talk, THEY will send the undercover secret seal squad after me and my family.

Luke Holloway MABS Cull - All merged

Bodhi108: I was looking at RawCombat and doing some research on many fraudulent MA`s recently and although many of the comments that were made on Luke, RawCombat etc were good to get the first timers attention - I didnt find anything amiss.

Please list his fraudulent claims in chronological order for me coz I aint seeing the issue.

People like Hatsumi of the Bujinkan (any X-kan actually) have hoodwinked millions of dollars from unsuspecting ignorant students and can never verify their claims. I look at Hock`s, Jim Wagners and all those guys and think OK great someone offering a no BS system. Here is something to think about: Certified doesnt equal Qualified and to be qualified doesnt mean you need to be certified. Show me the “certification” to be president of the United States ?. He says his stuff isnt MA so whats the problem ?
I hate fake MA masters because I personally have been taken for a ride for time than I can count.

Good hackers arent certified yet qualified just the same.
An average cop MAY shoot off 1 single round in their lifetime…are they certified to shoot ? YES are they qualified to shoot ? Absolutely NOT !
How about all these BlackBelts out there - majority are given a BB cert yet arent qualified to even teach.

My point ? List your qualifications and certifications first POST them up and then
I can understand where you are coming from otherwise sounds like there is no point.

I will move on to compiling my stuff on how fake NINjitsu, NINpo, Ninjutsu is.


Luke Holloway MABS CULL: On Topic? What Does it mean?

I cannot comment what he claims and in what time frame. (details important)
Please tell me WHAT he is teaching special forces and answer the questions
I asked. I couldnt give a hoot about Luke Holloway, dont know him, Im not in Japan but Im always interested in 14 y/o script kiddies lol.

My analogies still stand. You study Koryu Bujutsu do you ? OK I too am a a LARPER. I like the Hocks, Jims and others of this world. Love the Jim Wagner knife yet bozzo`s especially ex mil. always wanna reinvent the wheel and make their own.

See if Luke Holloway or anyone else out there was teaching JTMA and saying so I would get on the band wagon.

In addition to my other questions Please define experience.

** The USMC change their CQC all the time and whats it now based on BJJ ? or Koryu Jujutsu ROFLMAO ? I would rather someone like him teach me about guns than a cop. Now if I turned up to a class and he didnt know stuff well I just wouldnt go back. I dont know, cant say but Im guessing you dont either.

You are a moderator ? already manipulating and mis-informing. I will tell you what I will be in Japan over XMAS, see a few buddies in Yokosuka and I might just drop in and meet the guy first hand. PS just for ref - I have seen MASTERS of Koryu Bujutsu cut off their toes doing Tameshigiri and their thumbs doing Natto/Batto. I assume thats the experience you are referring to ?

I will be in Brazil in 20 mins will post you from there lol

You aint SF Mr 1983

Honorable discharge and it aint white :))

To answer your question: Motives ? Actually I was checking him out came across some of the postings and saw a whole lot of script kiddies, armchair warriors and the like and thought yeah yeah OK I understand some of the comments, looked at the vids but never seen in person and I dont believe everything I read in general.

Thought some of the posts were not needed and childish and disturbing and I wanted to feel the people who post and try to get some tangible understanding. He came to the UK and thought I wanna go the next time.

These boards are supposed to be for fact and making people aware of fraudulent claims. So I am wanting to know the juicy details. There is nothing on Bujinkan and ninjutsu in a taijutsu form never existed yet its a multi million dollar business so if a forum like Bullshido can help others make informed decisions then Im all for that.

Like I said I have wasted time/money and relationships studying and believing JTMA masters yet no one really goes after them. Instead after this guy who doesnt claim to be a MA at all - Im lost. I am truly interested in real self defence. Anyone seen Hatsumis gun and knife defense - seriously lets get some perspective.

Hatsumi taught special forces and FBI and that mofo never been in a fight LOL - now please describe the experience BENCHMARK so that we all understand.