Looang Foo Pai - What kind of kung fu is it????

You have a guy who made up his own rank, who made up his own rules on what it means to be a “Shifu,” who has "Shifu"s and "ShiPo"s who don’t look able to punch their way out of a paper bag…or would collapse from exertion. These conclusions aren’t just drawn from a “bunch of pics on the Internet,” but from the school’s own site. We can only assume that LFP would try to put its best image possible on its website (makes no sense to use crappy people for publicity). And we find that image lacking.

It’s true… It seems like this guy not only made up his own style (from 26 styles, ok, sure) but his own ranking and title meanings. He has students refered to as “sigung” wouldn’t that make them his teacher?? I thought that “sigung” in the chinese arts was refered to as grandfather or my teacher’s master.

The pictures are pretty funny, especially ugly fu!!

Originally Posted by pittfrog

MonkKiller: you are aware that starting one’s own style, studying a ridiculous number of martial arts (26), memberships in various martial arts halls of fame, and claims of multiple high dan/degree rankings are mostly seen as the hall marks of bullshido around here, yes?

I totally agree with pittfrog on this one!
Saying your style is comprised of over 26 styles is completely ridiculous. If it takes at least ten years to master a style, how in the hell can he learn 26 plus! Maybe he has seen 26 styles and took what he saw and put it into his own style. that is more realistic.

In that case which style has he really studied and with who. He mentions two teachers, who are the other 24??? He also gives no time line as to when he started his training with these teachers and in what style. He claims to be a student in Chen Tai Ji but does not state when he started. As far as we are all concern he could have started last week and is already a Chen master teaching all the secrets he learned in only one week. Maybe that is how he was able to learn all these 26 plus styles!

I have taken many seminars from some really great masters in many styles but that does not give me the right to claim that I have studied that style, let alone say I can teach it.

As far as hall of fame awards go everyone know that those awards are paid for in support of the event and have no real bearing on anything, let alone any reflection to real skill or accomplishment.

So, you have to bring us a lot more in order not to think and feel that this “shijiao” is not true “bullshido”

originally posted by waverider

He has students refered to as “sigung” wouldn’t that make them his teacher?? I thought that “sigung” in the chinese arts was refered to as grandfather or my teacher’s master.

You are correct waverider. Sigung is a term that refer’s to your grandmaster (your teachers master). There is no way his students should be refering to another student as “sigung” unless that student somehow was their teacher’s master.

The way they are using this term is totally incorrect, which makes me think that they may have not had any real training because this is something that your “shifu” would explain after something like your second formal class.

Looang Foo Pai - What kind of kung fu is it???

Hi everyone.
I was wondering if anyone can tell me a little more about Looang foo Pai, what style of kung fu do they teach? Is it a northern or southern style? I went to their website www.looangfoopai.com but it really doesn’t say much about their style. It mentions a Lee Hung Yee as the grandmaster’s teacher but it does not give any info on him. I asked around but no ones ever heard of this grandmaster. It talks alot about their chen tai chi grandmaster but nothing about their kung fu grandmaster. Is anyone familiar with this style?

It is hard to tell what style they do since apparently he trained in over 26 styles of kung fu. He gives no real back ground to his training. I remember hearing in a different forum that he was competing as a black belt in Gujo back in the mid 70’s and some how in the late 70’s he came out in the karate tournaments as some kind of kung fu master. Not too sure how that is possible… It seems that he may have learned a little kung fu here and there and then made up his own style. From another thread in this forum it seems like they like to spar, so if that is what you are looking for it is probably a good school for you.

Please, continue talking to yourself.

Enjoy the background music.

Funny stuff