Kungfoolss answers his Bullshido Fan mail :)

(The following message was sent via Bullshido forum PM from a member)

[b]Sent - June 27 2003 21:13:56

i have recently discovered this forum and you are one of the most controversial people on it. i have several questions to ask you.

  1. why do you hold martial arts in such low regard?[/b]

Kungfoolss: Hmmm, probably because much of the education and knowledge stylists receive these days, from their perspective arts, are generally substandard and deficient. With an emphasis placed on stylism and rather than on effectiveness. I believe it is especially telling that retarded people, the “mentally challenged,” are able to participate and excel in the martial arts. The rote training inherent in many of the stylistic arts-primarily the TMA’s-are wrong. For the simple fact of the matter, instilling an automatic reaction/response to a threat stimuli has the potential of getting you killed, because every variable is completely random and unpredictable. Thereby, rendering this form of training ultimately worthless.

As for the martial artist himself, let’s be honest folks, more than half of these guys are complete morons. With the exception of Wastrel, Asia, Punisher, Phrost, SLJ, Kuntaokid, Peedee and the few others at this forum, mostly, it’s the idiotic stylists that can do nothing but disagree with my views emotionally.

2) why do you think martial arts dont work?

Kungfoolss: A bit board, but sufficed to say, poor fighting mechanics and training, a defensive methodology, and sciences that are not compounding nor can they be integrated into a fighting whole; a conglomerate of garbage.

3) why do you think martial arts advocate cultish behavior?

Kungfoolss: I don’t necessarily believe they “advocate” cultish behavior, but they do foster it. From their blind obedience, repetitive training, esoteric practices, to their inane rituals help to contribute to this harmful behavior.

4) why do you post in the peedee section?

Kungfoolss: I ‘did’ for a time, but did so only with Peedee’s expressed permission. Phrost felt differently, and therefore created an additional section to post the martial arts news articles for my many fans to enjoy. <img src=icon_smile_wink.gif border=0 align=middle>

I hope this helps, from the Illustrious Kungfoolss

Edited by - kungfoolss on July 05 2003 01:03:56

With the exception of Wastrel, Asia, Punisher, Phrost, SLJ, Kuntaokid, Peedee and the few others at this forum

Where the fuck am I?

“For the simple fact of the matter, instilling an automatic reaction/response to a threat stimuli has the potential of getting you killed, because every variable is completely random and unpredictable. Thereby, rendering this form of training ultimately worthless.”

to much execution of technique in standard patterns creates an undesireable tendency towards expectation/anticapation.

“poor fighting mechanics and training, a defensive methodology, and sciences that are not compounding nor can they be integrated into a fighting whole; a conglomerate of garbage.”

styles as opposed to systems. good methods are systemic, everything is done for a reason, a practical one. lacking certain operational principles will potentially leave you very vulnerable to someone who is aware of and can use these methods. there are more factors than proper technique/principle execution involved, but if you are going to bother with technique at all, it seems best to to do it right.

“I don’t necessarily believe they “advocate” cultish behavior, but they do foster it. From their blind obedience, repetitive training, esoteric practices, to their inane rituals help to contribute to this harmful behavior.”

many traditions are practical ones, particularily rules of conduct between members. i personally feel that anything that does not serve the purpose of learning and improvement does not belong in a ma class.

excess sociability is also detrimental. traditions which call for disciplined practice and focus are good.

too many people try to mix in issues of psychology,religion, and sociability into the training. you have to deal with confrontational psychology, but that is an inherent function of good solid training routines.

maybe it is just me, but it seems that martial arts students/teachers often try to inject a lot of bullshit into training. hangups and whatnot…


<marquee> INDONESIAN GUNG FU</marquee>

Here is my question, do you hate me? I am always picking on you, laugh at the damn poor victim, and make fun of them.

It is a rat eat rat world.

“A magical place where I have a freakish large penis and I am also the king of the mushroom people.” - by Omen Stone

“it’s the idiotic stylists that can do nothing but disagree with my views emotionally.”

Notice again the subtle disinformation that the Great One ladels onto this message board. This statement is apparently in direct contradistinction to the Great One’s own behavior, his dismissive, seemingly contemptuous disregard for any statements outside of his own narrow agenda of “scientific” FearTM.

In one of my own first exchanges with the Unholy Prophet, he decried Phrost, saying that Phrost used the fear of banning in the assumed role of a dictator to control Bullshido and that was a bad thing, yet in the same thread the Great One spoke of how important, how desirable even (he boasts about it!), it was for others to fear (now known as FearTM) Kungfoollss. When I questioned that, he called my questioning psychobabble. That was when I knew his rules are not our rules, his thoughts are not our thoughts…

So the quote I use from the Autoreflexomalicious Kungfoollss above underscores this point - don’t try to make sense of the Great One, because he cares not for reason, or convincing anyone of anything (if you are a potential member of the Cracker Brigade, you’ll need no convincing), just feel the FearTM, feel the FearTM, f e e l the FearTM!

Edited by - Mr. Nice Guy on July 05 2003 11:53:10

Someone should look this guy up an beat him. Anyone live near him?

Actually what my pet likes to do is insult those of us who disagree with him and that is the catalyst for an emotional reply. Then he takes that emotional reply as us spouting against his original point. In fact I have yet to see him back up any of his arguments. Need to get a shorter leash for his ass.

Jeremy M. Talbott

Owner of Kungfools, Scourge of Kungfools’ joke-based logic, and the Preeminent Force in putting dumbasses like him to bed

Someone should look this guy up an beat him. Anyone live near him?

Why? Do his views threaten you? Is that your answer to someone you disagree with, just go beat them up?

Ofcourse you wanted somebody else to go find and beat him. What does this say about you?

boyd, where are you? he knows i own you, why would he fukk with someone already owned?

“When attacked insult, and insult to kill”

MuayThaiBri67 - you’re really clever and insightful. I wish I was just like you.

Sorry SuperHappy, but you have to be your own person. Instead of trying to other people to beat up people that don’t agree with your views. Just learn to be tolerant and patient with people. You’ll do much better in the long run. But I doubt you’ll listen to any of this, and you’ll ask someone to find where I live to try and beat me up. Have a nice day.

somebody tell muaythaibri that this isn’t the end of a sitcom or jerry springers final thought where we have to learn something or have some moral message shoved down our throats. And while your at it could you find out where he lives and beat him up :wink:

somebody tell muaythaibri that this isn’t the end of a sitcom or jerry springers final thought where we have to learn something or have some moral message shoved down our throats. And while your at it could you find out where he lives and beat him up :wink:

Hahahahahaha ok I live in Clearwater, Florida everyone. But if you do come here, don’t spend all your time fighting me. Save some quality time for the beautiful beaches, and woman.

But if you do come here, don’t spend all your time fighting me. Save some quality time for the beautiful beaches, and woman.

Hmmmm, your proposal is intriguing…

Foolss, I dont like how you bunch all MA’s together. If you have a problem with one style or instructor, so be it, but dont be prejudiced agianst styles you’ve never had any dealings with.

Foolss, I dont like how you bunch all MA’s together. If you have a problem with one style or instructor, so be it, but dont be prejudiced agianst styles you’ve never had any dealings with.

“The only way to make sure people you agree with can speak is to support the rights of people you don’t agree with.” Eleanor Holmes Norton 1970

Someone should look this guy up an beat him. Anyone live near him?

<img src=icon_smile_shock.gif border=0 align=middle>

“The only way to make sure people you agree with can speak is to support the rights of people you don’t agree with.” Eleanor Holmes Norton 1970

Wow, she actually said that? I’m surprised that kind of stament came from someone as far left as her. But then 1970 was a long time ago.