(The following message was sent via Bullshido forum PM from a member)
[b]Sent - June 27 2003 21:13:56
i have recently discovered this forum and you are one of the most controversial people on it. i have several questions to ask you.
- why do you hold martial arts in such low regard?[/b]
Kungfoolss: Hmmm, probably because much of the education and knowledge stylists receive these days, from their perspective arts, are generally substandard and deficient. With an emphasis placed on stylism and rather than on effectiveness. I believe it is especially telling that retarded people, the “mentally challenged,” are able to participate and excel in the martial arts. The rote training inherent in many of the stylistic arts-primarily the TMA’s-are wrong. For the simple fact of the matter, instilling an automatic reaction/response to a threat stimuli has the potential of getting you killed, because every variable is completely random and unpredictable. Thereby, rendering this form of training ultimately worthless.
As for the martial artist himself, let’s be honest folks, more than half of these guys are complete morons. With the exception of Wastrel, Asia, Punisher, Phrost, SLJ, Kuntaokid, Peedee and the few others at this forum, mostly, it’s the idiotic stylists that can do nothing but disagree with my views emotionally.
2) why do you think martial arts dont work?
Kungfoolss: A bit board, but sufficed to say, poor fighting mechanics and training, a defensive methodology, and sciences that are not compounding nor can they be integrated into a fighting whole; a conglomerate of garbage.
3) why do you think martial arts advocate cultish behavior?
Kungfoolss: I don’t necessarily believe they “advocate” cultish behavior, but they do foster it. From their blind obedience, repetitive training, esoteric practices, to their inane rituals help to contribute to this harmful behavior.
4) why do you post in the peedee section?
Kungfoolss: I ‘did’ for a time, but did so only with Peedee’s expressed permission. Phrost felt differently, and therefore created an additional section to post the martial arts news articles for my many fans to enjoy. <img src=icon_smile_wink.gif border=0 align=middle>
I hope this helps, from the Illustrious Kungfoolss
Edited by - kungfoolss on July 05 2003 01:03:56