Kung Fu Techniques - Video Archive

Hey guys. I’m not sure if this is the right section to post in, but here goes.

I found this interesting link that’s chockfull of videoclips showing how Kung Fu can be used to defend against… well, a lot of things, including grappling (apparently, Shaolin Kung Fu deals with groundfighting as well, and there are names for the techniques they use). Other sections of this page showcase various techniques, training regimens, and forms of Kung Fu. The main styles emphasized here is Shaolin, and Taijiquan, and the material comes from a Shaolin Kung Fu school in Wahnam, Switzerland.

Unfortunately, I didn’t find much of the full contact sparring stuff that you guys like to see in the sections i explored, so that’s why i put it here. Nonetheless, i want to bring this site to your collective attention.

here’s the general video page:

But what i really want to talk about for now is the following links, dedicated to showcasing some of the Shaolin techniques (or at least i think it’s Shaolin) that can be used against the following styles:

Muay Thai and Kick Boxing
Western Boxing

To the guys who train in these respective martial arts; does this strike a nerve in you? This is essentially a pro-Kung Fu page, and it does its best to show Kung Fu’s effectiveness against other styles.

So… what do you guys think? Let’s talk about this.

-Liu Bei

This is why newbietown was created.

Tell us YOUR views instead of sitting back and waiting to see which side you should take.

I immediately went to their wrestling/grappling videos and watched the “shoot counter” video. Their shoot counter is stepping back, and if that fails kicking him in the balls while you’re going down. I can safely declare it a joke without watching any more videos.

Edit: Watched a couple more. His mount escape is a standard upa escape while trapping the same side foot and arm. However, his side control escape is laughable, made even more laughable by the godawful side control the guy puts on him.

Those videos just reenforce my belief that chinese martial arts are inherently substandard.

Gah! Every time Wong Kiew Kit and Shaolin Wahnam get posted here I die a little inside.

don’t they have san shou or sanda or something?

Hammer, meet nail.

As a BJJ guy I am offended by their plum clinch.

Me too.

Then I thank God that what they’re doing doesn’t resemble what I’ve learned.

Lets just say WK has issues.