Kung fu master that would own your ass!

This guy would destroy you…really



would BJJ own his ass?? I DONT THINK SO!!

if you dont beleive me watch his other vids…youtube MASTER WONG

Poor effort.

Dear mods, please move this shit

poor effort?? maybe…but don’t change the fact this mans a G

Looked abit inadequate to me.

Um… I’m tired, and my troll-o-meter is jammed. Are you for real?

That dude looks like Baraka from Mortal Kombat and sounds like Buckwheat from the Lil’ Rascals. I totally dig the background music when he’s explaining techniques.

And this guy would totally own any BJJ guy because he would destwoy da awhm when they would shoot for a takedown.

At the expense of stating the obvious, Spartan Warrior, you are a douchebag. :sniperdan

Mate the guy actually is good. All im saying is this is one dude a BJJ guy will not slaughter unlike the other kung fu guys shown on youtube. If it was Rickson or someone fair enuff.
Im only tryna prove a point…kung fu don’t suck ass, another guy is shifu yan lei (shaolin kung fu + sanda champ he is a BADMANNN).

What does a Kung Fu man not know how to fight?

Are you 13?

Wing Chun is cool looking too bad it doesn’t work ever.

When I saw the words “BADMAAAN” and “G” I suspected it would be someone close to home and low and behold Birmingham. I can confirm this guy is for real.

Their are much better kung fu guys out there, granted most of the good ones focus more on san da. But its still the fu. However its by crosstraining in some grappling that will be most effective against things like bjj. You need to have some grappling knowledge in order to combat grappling.

I would like to find out how Cung Le has convinced everyone not to take him down and that standing to him toe to toe is a good idea. Thats the real anti grapple.

To say master wong doesn’t have knowledge of grappling is a wild assumption? To say a kung fu man does not know grappling again is an assumption which can land you in deep shit.

Firstly i am not aware the level of grappling master wong has however in his JKD training he has studied it. I practice the art of submission grappling too but i am still only a kung fu man, most people think all i know is to punch and kick, they coulnd’t be more wrong. I think master wong is good, there are many great guys out there in the art of kung fu but there is little on the internet about their level of skill. Shifu Yan lei and shi yanzi of Shaolin temple Uk are at an exceptional level however i can’t seem to find much information on them.

If you dont realize those videos completely suck you one day will. But it will be a rude awakening.

Does this Sifu know that you are writing cheques that his ass cant cash? Now give us a link to his site and if he is close we can go and try a class and find out.

Or for more fun. How about you start telling us how bad-ass you are?

That would be fun to read, no one has done that before.

yeah - an elbow strike to the forearm would work.
What is not mentioned however - that to do this, you require a very close proximity to the attacker.
Don’t know about anyone else - but if someone I don’t know at all starts to get that close (within the trapping range that ___g ___n talks about) then I’ve been a bit of an arse to let them get that close without taking some sort of basic defensive/evasive actions.
Because let’s be honest here - a bloke getting that close and doesn’t know you, most likely wants to do three things…

fuck you - steal from you or hurt you. or a combination of these.

So yeah - nice move, but there are more effective and preventative uses of MA techniques.
Many of which would avoid getting into that dangerous range.
Sidestep trip/throw would work just as well - plus whilst they’re getting up, you can just leave without the chance of having to deal with more shit…
like running the risk of the fuckwit in question getting a knife out or being surrounded by his numpty mates and getting the shite kicked out of you.

Correct me if I’m wrong (and I’m sure people will)… but if you use a technique that does the following - then it is effective:

1)Reduces the chance of then getting close enough to end up in a grapple/grab situation - (I’ve seen the results of injury from grappling on concrete and they aren’t pretty).

2)Ensures that their capacity to continue to cause you harm is reduced/eliminated (preferably the latter - and no it doesn’t need to be T3H DE4DLY)

3)Allows you to leave the situation without having to be chased down the street or fight for your life…

  1. actually WORKS quickly without lots of stupid/ineffective contrived moves that usually fail on a fully resistant opponent.

Troll Job 0/10. No one is actually that stupid

Tell us how you really feel.

I assume you don’t mind us e-mailing him with a link to this thread?

Spartan Warrior: Yes, those videos are good. Please go and train with master Wong.

Why not? Besides a kickboxer would (specially after watching what he does on the second clip at mark 0:05