Kinda out of my league, but i was reading a book that talks about kukishen ryu. Claimes its the only true form of Ninjutsu, or more so that its the only pure form.
Any of you that know way more than me, know anything about this?
Is it an actual style? Is it ninjutsu? Is it real or is it fat americans in pajamas?
No kukishinden Ryu is a ryuha in the Bujinkan or there is a Kukishin Ryu that is a Koryu in Japan. I have never heard of an accredited Kukishin Ryu dojo outside of Japan but there may be some. I doubt there will be many seeing as it is koryu and its pretty difficult to get menkyo kaiden in it without an extensive period in Japan.
In both cases, it is not Ninjutsu it is a Jujutsu school with a lot of good weapon work. If someone is trying to have it passed off as ninjutsu they are very mistaken or they are a liar.
Probably very mistaken.
Thanks alot, that was fast and very informative. And i didnt get a cussing. It was actually good. =)
What’s the name of the book btw?
After a bit more reading;
It’s incorrect to call it “Kukishin Ryu Ninjitsu” as has been suggested by this book. (by the way, could you tell us the title of the book please?) The kukishin ryu is today divided up into many different formats such as Kukishin Ryu Dakentaijutsu (unarmed grappling and striking) and Kukishin Ryu Bojutsu. Each one has its own headmaster. The kukishinden ryu of the bujinkan keeps these aspects together in one ryu. Some kukishin schools contain techniques ofetn associated with ninjutsu ryu such as metsubishi (blinding powder), and throwing blades. Such techniques were not the sole providence of ninjutsu ryu.
The offical lineage of the Kukishinden Ryu.
Kukishin Ryu/Kukushinden Ryu (same Ryu basically). The den was added by the Takamatsu Sensei lineage becuase he wasn’t the offical lineage holder just a Kaiden Menkyo holder so the den was added to say it from the Kuki family but not the official lineage.
As for the question. Many Japanese Ko Ryu Arts include an element of Ninjutsu/Shinobijutsu. If memory serves the Kukushin Ryu Shinobijutsu is mainly was you find in Togakure Ryu (remember Togakure Ryu is about 50 years old not a Ko Ryu like the Bujinkan claim). In includes some Stealth/Concealment, Kojutsu (Claws) and Shakenjutsu (4 point throwing star similar to the “Moon Star” you find in Martial Art Supply Store nowadays). It also includes some more esoteric arts like sakkijutsu.
No they don’t. Few Koryu do have some elements but the majority do not.
Shakenjutsu/Shurikenjutsu/Teppan Nage are things that are NOT ninjutsu but found inmany schools, particularlly kenjutsu schools. There a few types of shaken that may have been used by shinobi but they come in such a wide variety in the first place.
I’m not familiar with the material you have provided. Could you name your source please?
From what I understand, there are several ryu with the Kuki name that share common origin and teachings, and while they are all technically all lines of the main Kukishin ryu, they have become more or less independent and distant enough to have evolved somewhat differently.
The complete school did include techniques that could be classified as ninjutsu. The Kuki web page for example mentions:
Katyufujin-hen remind us of secret scouting techniques, but they exist only in the form of oral instruction; there exist documents 2 concerning detailed instruction of the techniques, but the actual techniques are lost today.
…in some of the background material I have, there is also mention of disguise/impersonation and divination, but again only written reference exists.