So, for the most part, I don’t hug or kiss, or even really touch women, unless I like them. However, girls at work insist on touching me. I tolerate this though and do not deck the hos. However, one female security officer insists on kissing me on the cheek when we meet, as she hugs me. She’s smoking hot, this turns me on, I’m married. Should I tell her no, kiss her back, fuck her or what? Plus she’s a lesbian, so you know I can get it. It’s bad. Bullshido, what say you?
It’s not cheating if she sleeps with your wife too.
Hahaha, that’s pretty funny.
Getting kissed on the cheek by members of the opposite sex as a greeting is standard here.
If that’s enough to get you riled up, well more power to you I guess.
Old school is to meet noses and “share breath” ie “honi-honi”, but that’s largely been replaced by kisses on the cheek.
In some contexts people still honi-honi (all genders) but there’s usually some cultural significance then.
Women in particular seem to delight in making sure their (often very hot) daughters kiss the “uncles”.
You’d probably freak out here…
[QUOTE=The Villain;2887462]So, for the most part, I don’t hug or kiss, or even really touch women, unless I like them. However, girls at work insist on touching me. I tolerate this though and do not deck the hos. However, one female security officer insists on kissing me on the cheek when we meet, as she hugs me. She’s smoking hot, this turns me on, I’m married. Should I tell her no, kiss her back, fuck her or what? Plus she’s a lesbian, so you know I can get it. It’s bad. Bullshido, what say you?[/QUOTE]
Reel her in for a threesome.
I have decided to reciprocate.
[QUOTE=Tranquil Suit;2887463]It’s not cheating if she sleeps with your wife too.[/QUOTE]
I did pull this off once. Damn was it awesome. She doesn’t want me to bring this one home, but I’m gonna go for it.
Well, that was interesting. Walked into the club, found the girl, grabbed her and gave her a quick peck on the cheek. I assumed it wouldn’t be an issue, but it turns out another girl was watching us the entire time. I ignored her so she started yelling across the club until I kissed her as well.
Thought she was a lesbian?
[QUOTE=The Villain;2887484]Well, that was interesting. Walked into the club, found the girl, grabbed her and gave her a quick peck on the cheek. I assumed it wouldn’t be an issue, but it turns out another girl was watching us the entire time. I ignored her so she started yelling across the club until I kissed her as well.[/QUOTE]
TLI represent!
[QUOTE=Jim Giant;2887492]Thought she was a lesbian?[/QUOTE]
So, one thing I learned on Bullshido is that lesbians LOVE men. I used to think otherwise, made a mistake. However, I never make the same mistake twice.