You have been banned to the Trollshido forum (Short Hand and Empty Handed) for being a moronic troll. You will be released into the general population in 1 week, unless you continue to troll, in which case I will cheerfully ban your dumb ass.
bitch, puh-leeze! i would have to care about being banned to give a shit. what in the flying fucking world could possible make you think i do? oh, wait; you study jkd. you’re obviously too fucking stupid to distinguish reality from fantasy. go back to being tea cup you slack jawed cunt.
Omega, please – that was not being creative. Everyone who starts with me on here comes up with: JKD sucks or you’re a dyke or you’re fat. Now, if he’d called me a socialist or something I would have been trule offended, and impressed with his intelligence.
I thought it was very creative (for a brain dead monkey). Remember it’s very challenging to be able to type with one pinky while jacking off to a picture of his mom. Give the kid some credit. It’s not like he had to spell his name correctly. Of course you should only let him out of Troll shido when he can actually pee correctly in the toilet (if he could ever find that needle he calls a penis). See , not hard at all.