This is disgusting chicks like her all need to pick another hobby. But if guys want to look at barbie dolls instead of real female fighters maybe I should leave it alone.
I think this is about the gayest thing I have ever said on bullshido.
This is disgusting chicks like her all need to pick another hobby. But if guys want to look at barbie dolls instead of real female fighters maybe I should leave it alone.
I think this is about the gayest thing I have ever said on bullshido.
Im not entirely sure what the problem is here…
sure, she does karate, and she has a video with stupid music, but we all have our faults really
edit: I wish I was that flexible
What’s wrong? She is attractive and she still fights full contact… Seems like she is at least legitimately interested in Karate and does her best. She is marketing herself a little but at least she has engaged in actually KK shiai.
You’d really hate the TV programs here in Japan sometimes, there are attractive female fighters occasionally.
Jones…Watch out, your closet homo is showing.
The only thing wrong witht that video was Arvil.
About a third of the way through the video, she was just beating the crap out of someone who had headgear on and wasn’t fighting back. Is that standard Kyokushin practice?
Lots of styles have you mercilessly beating the crap out of pads. Those defense less pads!!
It makes sense to strap pads to people and hit them instead. Ever heard of a “red man suit”?
oh leave her alone, she’s only twelve…
It’s not that she’s attractive it’s that she’s wearing thick eyeliner and other make up in her fights. That’s a little too much. In annatrocities fights she fought this really cute girl once but she didn’t get all dolled up.
Dude I know.
I’m not one for the asians, but I was seriously turned on :smileinbo.
Seriously, though, about the gay music, editing, etc… that’s just how those crazy japanese folks are. For me, Kyokushin Girlies = awesome.
I stopped watching at the smackgirl stuff. I hope that’s not generally indicative of the level of KK sparring.
they’d be cooler if they were doing something better than stand in front of eachother punching eachother in the chest competitions.
Eh…when I go play that game one day i’ll kill them all and I wont be doing it with hip chambered reverse punches fired one after another into the chest while standing still.
Hannibal and the other Kyokushin dudes will be seriously pissed at your comment Anna.
I can’t help it if karate makes itself look bad.
Cut her some slack. How many girls in the world practice full contact fighting with no gear? And shes hot:)
How dare she wear makeup and eyeliner! Shame on her I say! :jihad:
How is this the gayest thing you’ve said on Bullshido? I think you’re confusing gay with retarded.
But not pissed that the “Sparring” in that video was Shitty McShitster? That it looked like fucking preschoolers shoving each other over the cookies at recess??
Anna kill that chick? Fuck, HANNIBAL could kill her.
No you’re the fucking retard. You’re a stupid shit if you don’t know what I’m getting at.