I hope you have no contact with his legal team or they are screwed.
What has the detective got to with it anyway?, the girl made the claims its well out of the detectives hands.
You’ve already said the detective is a “known liar” and now you’re saying that this still has to be proven in a court of law. So unless you are able to offer reliable information it looks like this fact has not been established by his previous conduct.
Either provide specifics about the detective or STFU.
It doesn’t mean we should believe you either. For all we know, you are lying as well.
If you were not a liberty of answering the questions that would naturally come from your previous statement, you should never have been in liberty to make the aforementioned statement in the first place.
Moreover, If you are legally bound to keep your mouth shut regarding the details of a given subject, you are legally bound to keep your mouth shut in any form or aspect related to that subject, including giving a preview of it on a public internet forum.
Doing otherwise is fucking stupid.
Coming here and making an statement for which you are not at liberty the details is fucking stupid. A person who does something that is fucking stupid is basically a fucking stupid person.
Therefore you are fucking stupid.
Either answer the questions or shut the fuck up. If you are not in liberty to answer the questions, you should shut the fuck up as well.
– EDIT –
And your name should have been invincible1234, not invinceable1234.
Hey, this guy edited all his posts, including the one where he named the detective in question. Given the smilies he has chosen and his juvenile antics, I’m sure this guy is 20-year old Stephen Gressett.
[indent][i]ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. – Some parents are standing by their children’s martial arts instructor who was arrested over the weekend. Stephen Gressett, 20, is accused of touching one of his female students inappropriately at the United Tiger Martial Arts on Conroy Road.
The alleged incident happened at the center more than a year ago. The girl reported it to police last week. Gressett has been teaching at the center for four years. Other parents told Eyewitness News he is innocent.
“I’ve known Stephen. I’ve watched him grow as an adult and he’s just become more professional,” said parent Deanna Batt.
Eyewitness News tried to interview Gressett from jail, but he declined. He also refused to take a polygraph test.
Police said they are now looking into the case further to see if there are any more potential victims.
Copyright 2007 by wftv.com. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.[/i][/indent]
Incidently the polygraph is not admissible in Florida Court proceedings because it does not meet the so called “Frye test” which evaluates whether this procedure is considered scientifically reliable. *
However some prosecutors will consider such test results when deciding whether to charge someone, or dismiss the charges.
The bottom line is that if he refuses to take a polygraph, if he takes it and fails, or he takes it and passes, it should not be considered as reliable evidence. People like Aldrich Ames have lied their way through such tests, and there have been cases of false positives.
*I’m grossly simplifying the Frye test here, which involves multiple determinations, and the evaluation of the opinion of the scientific community, on a particular issue.
Its your allegation that he is a known liar, so it is your burden to prove that said detective is as you describe him. So don’t try to make it our responsibility to prove that he is not a liar. Nice try slick.
So prove that the detective is a known liar or go STFU.