I just found out that someone from Arlington Texas did a Zaba database search under my name nationwide.
The only one I can think of in Arlington, Texas is John Painter of Baqua fame.
I’ve never met the guy, but in mid May I was out on the left coast and stopped by Kungfu Magazine’s headquarters.
During a long talk I had with Gene Cheng who is one of their staff I mentioned John’s name and ask if his Baqua (sp) is for real since I had heard that some chinese were saying that his Baqua did not look like any variation they had seen. (I think Asia told me that) Gene told me off the record that while he believes John’s interpretation is legitimate he had to change much of it to make it fit his body frame and that he can’t vouch that Painter was the intended successor in his lineage.
So what do we know about Painter? I’m not saying it was him, but I’m now interested.
Well, before I came here I was interested in Snake Kung Fu. So, I was thinking of attending a seminar/retreat. As I delved into his background it is really strange, similar to Shaolin-Do strange. I’ll look for the thread on KFO. Basically, he was callled into question due to numerous photo-shopped picture.
He also has the required back/car accident/mysterious ailment that causes many Grandmasters to stop sparring. He also uses military/para-military trappings in his art. He was taken to task on this and became very defensive.
After all that, his bagua isn’t any stranger than my bagua from SD/Chinese Shao-Lin Center. It looks like it was learned once or twice and done without the accepted basics. Honestly, I don’t think it has to do with adaptation as much as improper training.
Just my 2 cents. There is much annectdotal evidence that he was a good fighter. Thing is so was I, in my circle, doesn’t make my kung fu anymore legit. http://www.jiulongbaguazhang.com/drp.htm
Dale knows him, and has crossed hands with him (friendly). So, I’ll let let him address this when he gets back. He’s very busy training this week and is unavailable.
Truth be told. Dr. Painter is my Bagua teacher. I have met a few people who claim to teach bagua and pretty much walk a circle and swing their arms around and think its going to stop someone from hurting you.
I met Dr. Painter at a local seminar in 1999 with the sincere intention of seeing if the man knew anything as I had heard both pro and con about the man at the time.
I asked him for a demo of the material being worked on and went at him with intent and skill.
the man handled me like I was not even there and landed me on the floor, not once, but twice. Then I kow towed and asked to learn from him as I was trying my best to nail him. take this for what it is worth. I tried, he dealt with me as one handles a small child, and I was convinced his bagua is decent enough to learn.
No qi balls, no BS other than learn the proper biomechanics, internal alignments, and use of the smaller lesser used stablizer muscles along with the mobilizers to utilize whole body power. He has big students along with smaller people who use the concepts well.
His bagua is principled driven and not just some hodge podge of poop that many qi huggers like to spout when asked about their art.
I am always available to cross hands with anyone to show them how I can use this material in a practical manner.
I just got back from a weeklong workshop in PA at the Zhang Sang Feng festival in East Stroudsburg, PA.
Where I met up with Gene Ching who I have been chatting with here and there since KFO forum went up. He is a decent guy.
Dr. Painter walks the walk and talks the talk. Politics do not concern me. Being able to use what I learn is, hence I train with him.
I have been studying with Dr. Painter for over 7 years. I have had other exposure to other bagua systems as well as having training in other neijia systems.
John Adams is in LA.
Where are you at?
Give me a call anytime brother as the internet thing gets old.