Im going to have to pick JFS in this one! Only because he has less posts! I read some of his shit on combat wrestling or whatever you want to call it “can you say bullshido” but whatever there is some method to that madness. You can force your opponent to move into a favourable position. The last time i was here JFS did allright at the Maryland throwdown and there were some dudes there with solid creds. But anyway i kinda think Anthony is a fucking blowhard.
Thoughts? Oh yeah Anthony before you get your panties all twisted up and challenge me to a fucking fight. Im stationed overseas right now and wont be done from the Army until June so just save that bullshit till then capiche?
if i remember correctly didnt Anthony threaten Kungfudoeswork with guns and shit? Yea! a real fine example of the martial arts! Fuck Anthony and the horse he rode in on. I really hope he has the balls to meet up with JFS and have his ass handed to him…
FUCK YOU ANTHONY! why you comin back with this “meet me in Florida” bullshit meet the dude at a throwdown and get it on. BITCH
muhahahaha I could give two fucks about JFS…I do like the way he stirs up the little blowhards on this site like yourself! Christ stop being a fucking pussy buy a fucking plane ticket and get it on…Is that simple enough for you? Maybe you can show us all how a fucking textbook “keylock” is supposed to be done.
The difference between you and JFS is that JFS is an asshole but at least the dudes funny. You my friend are just a plain asshole.
STFU you fucking runt! Buy a plane ticket and stop talking shit! Show up at the next throwdown jfs is gonna be at and show me your “pizzahut jj skills” how does that shit sound brother?
you gonna get some guns or what bitch? that was some funny ass shit right there! Correct me if im wrong but werent you going to throwdown with mac 10s on kungfudoeswork??? Man i laugh in your general direction and my little brother would kick your head in! FUCK OFF
JFS was never funny. He was just an asshole. If you whined about it, he would cuss you out even more. So, people started saying “Oh, he’s not an asshole, he’s funny.”
I also remember you doing something really stupid on here. How do you explain that?
Sigh it was so nice with Jay gone…talking about someone who was a perfect specimen for telling too many stories and tripping themselves up. Everything from having a wife to having a girlfriend to having a girlfriend so long he called him his wife. Can we forget questioning whether Kenny Florian was a legitimate BJJ Blackbelt.
Anyone else want to add some of his fine commentary from the past? There are plenty more examples of Jay talking out his ass, lying, or being completely FOS. Too bad he came back…I still think he is a troll account…ah well…he’ll probably be banned soon enough.
Whatever i agree his grappling is suspect! The problem is he’d probably manhandle your 6000 post ass. NO jfs and i arent lovers in fact i think he’s all fucked up but he at least extended me an invitation WHICH JFS im gonna take you up on. In the meantime what are you going to do “go out and get some” or keep talking shit! So far you havent proved squat do so and i’ll give you some respect OTHERWISE your the cocksmoker! also whats your problem with all this phallic symbolism? If i said “suck my dick” you’d be all over that shit wouldnt you? Take your 6000 posts and get the fuck outa town your worthless imho BITCH
HEY T! You arent a real fighter so dont pretend to be one. The fact is your “pizza hut jj” aint gonna do you nothing against a striker who can sprawl! I hate dudes like you who spend half there life on the interweb and think your a badass. The fact is your not, and the average joe down at the local bar is competion enough for you! Thanks for giving me another good laugh=i miss the internet:owneddanc
Zarella, let me tell you a thing or two about JFS.
He was not only bullshido with his grappling claims, but everything else as well. He cannot name a single teacher that he ever trained with, his posts regarding CMA were often verbatim from what you would find in books and videos and he never ONCE at his TD’s showed any evidence of having practiced Hung Gar or SPM. He had the lingo down, but he was full of it.
I and others around here are only upset that he was not exposed for this bullshit instead of being run off the board by the staff for grappling. There were some people in the CMA community who were biding their time waiting to expose him - and I am not talking about just over the internet either. The staff at Bullshido fucked this up. But, no worries. A phony like him is not really worth our effort anyways.
So forget about him and just worry about keeping your ass alive in the Gulf.
Maybe but this forum needed some much stirring up! Dont worry about me in the gulf im handing out bandaids to dudes at the moterpool who are trying to sham there way out of duty assignments! JFS sucks but so does Anthony for not stepping up! What’s the story with him is he a real small guy or what? Fuck JFS is talked a ton of shit about him if it was me id be booking a flight to kick his grandfather ass. What’s really going on? Does Anthony JJ suck that bad or is he just afraid ???