It Is Fake is mean (I have 25 years Martial Arts experience)

[quote=It is Fake]You know this is the selling point of EVERY Wing Chun school out there?

Let’s not turn your MABS thread into a debate on the real chun okay?

There is so much wrong with this statement it is getting your entire thread moved to the CMA forum.

Hey jerk, why don’t you mellow out? What is wrong with that statement? Why are you such an idiot? I was responding to a post. What’s wrong with that? Why don’t you read my post again, or do you need an English lesson?

I said I thought the TEACHER was fake. I did not turn this into an argument about styles. It’s just a friendly response to a post. I thouht that is what these forums are for. You want to go around offending people so nobody wants to post anything? You might classify me as a NOOB on here, but I’ve done martial arts for 25 years. How old are you? Probably not even 25 yet…So take off, son.

And I said “at least I know the guys at the Beijing Jujitsu school are real”.

I meant’ REAL TEACHERS who have trained, been certified, and are the real thing, not if BJJ was effective or not. I happen to know the teachers at that school so I know the school is real. By real, I meant that they are trained under who they say they are. Do you need an English lesson now? Why is some jerk butting into my post?

This debate was never about the effectiveness of Wing Chun or any other art. It was a debate about whether or not my teacher was who he says to be. I’ve lived in China for six years. So how do you know what is wrong with my statement? Are you an authority on Chinese martial arts? Do you even speak Chinese? Yeah, I thought not.

What do you do all day, troll around for posts you can find something wrong with so you can be a jerk to people?

I read the forum rules and I followed them so why don’t you go piss up a rope? Unless you have something to say about Wang Zhi Peng, why are you even posting?

If you don’t know you haven’t been here long enough.

I said I thought the TEACHER was fake. I did not turn this into an argument about styles. It’s just a friendly response to a post. I thouht that is what these forums are for.
For busting frauds yes. For trying to say what is Real, Traditional, or certified no not in the context you provided.

And I said “at least I know the guys at the Beijing Jujitsu school are real”.
This doesn’t negate this statement.

This will start a WC debate. If you really knew bullshido, you’d know that this statement causes trolling.

I meant’ REAL TEACHERS who have trained, been certified, and are the real thing. This debate was never about the effectiveness of Wing Chun or any other art. It was a debate about whether or not my teacher was who he says to be.
That doesn’t make them “real” in any way shape or form.

What do you do all day, troll around for posts you can find something wrong with so you can be a jerk to people?
Yep, that is exactly what I do.


[quote=Mcleod]Why don’t you read my post again, or do you need an English lesson?

snicker Hypocrisy snicker

Only if it is attached to your mouth.

You took the time to add this little tidbit:

Unless you have something to say about Wang Zhi Peng, why are you even posting?

How about fixing my quote while you are at it? Or are you that angry?

Hmmmm why are you commenting on Shaolin and traditional "stuff"really… if this is a thread about Wang Zhi Peng?

So, how many times are you going to add to your post? Wow, you are very angry.

You should follow your own advice