Besides school and work, is your gym/martial arts your social life?
sincerely, Gym Rat
Besides school and work, is your gym/martial arts your social life?
sincerely, Gym Rat
I don’t go to the gym to socialise and I didn’t go train to socialise. I go to the gym to lift weights and I train to learn how to shoryuken.
yes. but thats because i spend 60 or so hours there a week.
My social life consists of 2 hours of band practice, 2 hours of boxing, about 6 hours of talking to folks while my kid trains, and bi-weekly visits from my girl. Other than that it’s all work and no play.
Play is very important, try to have as much fun as possible,
yes, work is very important as well, but never forget fun =)
Is my gym life my social life?
I am planning on making it like this very soon, it might be kinda unhealthy, but I really needz to start training hard, hard enough so I can puke,
Yes, mostly because at the gym I’m surrounded by people who are into what I’m into:
Martial arts and beer.
And boobies.
I try not to socialize while training, but working out 4-5 days a week and working 60 hours a week makes it hard to keep a decent social life. 'tis a problem indeed.
most of my socialization comes when I’m new to a dojo and I want to get to know everyone a little better and let them get to know me a bit. I’m pretty social to try to break the ice. Then as time goes on, It’s all about work.
I always socialize in class but at the gym I have Pantera on so loud that I couldn’t possibly hear the fire alarm, let alone someone talking to me. I lift then leave.
At the “gym” gym, no; not enough time in the day.
At the MMA gym, yeah. It’s practically a rule that you should be somewhat social because if you come off as a stuck-up jackass it’s highly likely you’re going to find yourself dealing with an extra bit of unnecessary wear-and-tear that only hinders your training.
And rightly so.
Yes, the Gym is my social life. 95 percent of my friends are from my BJJ gym, and I really don’t hang out with anyone often from outside the gym.
It’s an unavoidable side effect I think when you train between 18-25 hours a week (3 hours a day, sometimes 5-6 if I go 2x a day as I often do)…not much time for any other kind of life.
I consider my social life an impediment to my training and hence try to sabotage it at every turn. Less chit-chat, more rolling please.
I try to keep it balanced. Its hard to stay dedicated with other distractions.
I’m a pencil pusher at work so no. Prior to my old job their ideal of “fun” is drinking a bunch after a 65 hour week…no thanks.
I’m pretty much on a timer at the gym and try not to spend more than an hour and 15 minutes so I’m out of there quickly and the rest periods are pretty short.
For my martial arts I’ve noticed it’s different. I usually hang there for two class so I’m there for almost 3 hours. Talk to my instructor, other students usually after class. Sometimes about other stuff other than martial arts. I’ve noticed a lot of the students at the class have similar backgrounds (Married, a bit older, like to stay active, simple lifestyle).
Most of my friends though are from my college days.
My social life is pretty much my wife. I’m cool with that. I tend hate everyone esle. Yup, I a depressing bastard. Oh well XD.