Is this a real female teacher or is this video just a joke?

I found this video on youtube but I can’t figure out if this is an actual martial arts instructor or a bunch of people made this clip for shits and giggles. Sorry. They have so many videos on the internet that look real but are fake I can’t tell which is which anymore.

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Incel bullshit.

All the comments are making fun of her nails, and not her male opponents clear obesity.

These are videos made by boys who can’t get laid.

Imagine being so pathetic you’re not even one of the 100/1000.

The clinch video.

Fake. What is it with these douchebag guys setting their avatars to imaginary strongmen?

At least mine is kind of anthropomorphically accurate.

Bill Tegos wants to believe he’s this guy.

Look at this wimp

Like Andrew Tate, Bill Tegos …works out a lot, but can’t get sex without paying for it. So his current pastime is pretending to be a stud, while posting videos denigrating females, and trying to monetize his garbage YouTube presence.

So many other channels want to copy you, Bill…

Those big arms are meant to disguise the fact that his personality sucks, and you don’t want him at your party.

I understand that his channel is complete bullshit and he and his subscribers are misogynistic teenagers. Or whatever the fuck incels are. He seems like the kind of asshole who would do steroids and then show off his muscles on instagram. I just want to know though if that woman was a real martial art instructor. I’m not worried about the boys they can lose weight eventually.

Why would you doubt it

I would think a legitimate martial art teacher would have common sense to not wear 5 inch designer nails.

This is the part where you post evidence.

Seriously, post or die.

I already posted the video where she has ridiculously long nails and she said she paid 75 dollars for them.

I want to see 5 inch nails.

I don’t care what she said. You said it yourself she could be lying.

That’s we what call an “unreliable narrator”.

I always feel you can tell by people’s movement if they have any experience, that clinch looked solid and how she moved looked solid as well. It’s a legit gym and she is one of the students / trains the younger classes.

Those nails are definitely a bit long but she might have had them done for an occasion, you don’t know the full story. I’ve had pretty long nails on my right hand most of my life (classic guitar), you get used to it, not as long as hers but still. Only person to not give me shit was one of my first kung-fu instructors who said i could make it work for me :slight_smile:

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She’s like 17 people should chill out …

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And this is why she’s a target of the incelsphere.

Let’s get back to “Balkan Gains”. It must really suck being young, tone, but totally tone deaf with women.

The female hate with this guy is off the charts.

I’ve done a lot of this, although it can get out of hand.

Haha, get it?

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@W.Rabbit the point of my comment isn’t that she had exactly 5 inch nails. The point is that they’re ridiculously long. Also I looked up what an incel is and that shit is not real. That has to be an internet joke or something. My friend weighs 420 pounds and he still found a girlfriend. She’s a really bad catch but it’s still somebody. I was hanging out with him all day one time and he ate burger king for lunch and later on he had taco bell for dinner. I asked him if he eats fast food multiple times a day regularly and he said yes.

Yet women with longer nails can type really fast, in many cases a lot faster than men with very short nails.

And incels are not only a thing, they’re a well organized global terrorist threat.

Never underestimate the rage of people who can’t get laid, or worse, refuse to masturbate.