Instructor necro Okay, Trolling is not

Wow RomanFirst. You are replying to people that last posted in 2008.

[QUOTE=RomanFirst;2559956][QUOTE=cyril;1773302]You seem to have picked two of the worst organizations to study martial arts under.

Firstly, Cuong Nhu isn’t all that hot, just repackaged Shotokan Karate (for the most part) with different forms.

You must be basing your opinion on having seen a very small view of Cuong Nhu. You statement makes it clear that you do not know what Cuong Nhu is. Cuong Nhu is NOT repackaged Shotokan by a long shot. I have been training in Cuong Nhu for over 30 years. I am a student of the founder O’Sensei Ngo Dong and his son Grand Master Quynh Ngo. We are diverse in our use of Karate, Boxing, Wing Chun, Judo, Aikido and more. Our applications (Bunkai) are strong.

We do extensive Bunkai, sparring, weapons, throwing, grappling and more beyond the limits of any Shotokan system I have ever seen or worked out with.

I invite you to re-visit Cuong Nhu beyond the limited schools you have observed. Cuong Nhu is a national non profit organization so you will find many schools in Cuong Nhu that need more work. We have some great schools, some good schools and some need work. But some are outright strong. You will find many schools like ours in Raleigh or the World Head Quarters in Jacksonville Florida to be strong, solid martial artist.

I have also seen comments that we do not do contact sparring. This is far from true. While we do practice non-contact sparring the majority of our schools use contact. Head and body shots alike. Contact levels in Cuong Nhu is left up to the individuals sparring. In our school in Raleigh, we do all levels of contact, sweeps, takedowns, etc…

Come to Raleigh and workout with us. We are friendly, professional and ROCK SOLID - Please visit whenever you get the chance.

Robert First
Co-Head Instructor Raleigh Martial Arts Center[/QUOTE]

Because I’ve been told off: Thank you for replying in this thread, your participation is much appreciated. It may be highly likely that the original posters in this thread will not see your response, so you may want to send them a private message voicing your concerns.

Damn you ,I’d just edited that to make it a reasonable response.

[QUOTE=bigmike_ebw;2559973]Damn you ,I’d just edited that to make it a reasonable response.[/QUOTE]

Why? It was me trolling anyway… I didn’t even look where it was, so it’s no surprise.

[B]Is my reply on topic?[/B]
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Am I posting for any reason other than just to be witty?

if this is an older thread, am I posting something that is new and useful?
Once again, if you answerd NO to any of the above questions DO NOT POST A REPLY!!

Yes, it is three years old, but he is adding new information and an explanation defending his art. Yes, it is full of three year old butt hurt, but it followed the guidelines.

Neither your original post, nor your edit, fit the rules above even if you made it more palatable.

They do both fit this rule:

Am I posting for any reason other than just to be witty? Once again, if you answerd NO to any of the above questions DO NOT POST A REPLY!!