I'm kind of silly.

[quote=Lucky Seven;852568]Then again, maybe I CAN make fun of this

remember to smile with love and joy when you are beeing stabed by the same guy who raped your girl and torched your house to the ground, we are all brothers in the cosmic energy.


when someone’s tryin’ to rape you. melt the inner lining of their cock

This is what you add to a three year old thread?

Fuck you, necrophiliac

Is this some kind of suicide cult? I just get the suicide vibe:)

Haha, yeah I did too. Whenever Salsbury gets ready to have his sillicon nodule removed youll hear about them commiting suicide to get out of our hyper-womb to marge with themselves from another dimension…

this is a new technique in celestial do
so I thought i’d post it hear.