After reading these posts, I decided to find out if it really was bullshido. So I went to Russia to the source. No, seriously I really f**** went to Russia. This post made me so crazy with curiosity that I sold everything I owned, quit my job, and got on a plane. Hope you guys are happy. BTW, not bullshido. Forget what’s on the website. Just come to class M-F 6:30-8:30pm 3035 Peeler Rd. Atlanta GA. I’ll be here because now I came back from Russia and I live at the school. No, really.
What the…?
Right, I’ll get on that ASAP…
erm…any photos of the actual gym or videos or how you train? it shouldn’t be that difficult since you train (and live there).
Pics and Vids
There’s plenty of s*** to laugh at on the net already. If you want to know what’s up, sack up and show up.
No, you post up vids and pictures proving what you just claimed. This thread is closing in on four years old you bumped it with a fantastical story.
I didn’t claim anything. I said I sold everything I owned, quit my job, and went to Siberia for 3 years and now I came back and live at the school. Which I did, and I do.
[quote=xs594;2460935]I didn’t claim anything. I said I sold everything I owned, quit my job, and went to Siberia for 3 years and now I came back and live at the school. Which I did, and I do.[/quote]No, what you said was:
After reading these posts, I decided to find out if it really was bullshido. So I went to Russia to the source. No, seriously I really f**** went to Russia. This post made me so crazy with curiosity that I sold everything I owned, quit my job, and got on a plane. Hope you guys are happy. BTW, not bullshido.
Do you need me to break down the claims or can you re-read what you wrote and figure them out yourself?
[quote=It is Fake;2460936]No, what you said was:
Do you need me to break down the claims or can you re-read what you wrote and figure them out yourself?[/quote]
I’m kind of retarded, so you better break it down for me.
Two Claims.
No, seriously I really f**** went to Russia.
Repeated Claim.
This post made me so crazy with curiosity that I sold everything I owned, quit my job, and got on a plane.
Three Claims.
BTW, not bullshido.
Forget what’s on the website. Just come to class M-F 6:30-8:30pm 3035 Peeler Rd. Atlanta GA. I’ll be here because now I came back from Russia and I live at the school. No, really.
Another Claim and a repeated claim
TESCAO! Maximum Tibetan EXTREME ARTS! - No BS MMA and Martial Arts
I don’t think the word “claim” means what you think it means. But I can address #3 (which actually is a claim) directly. I cannot prove that it’s not bullshido. Nope, can’t do it. In fact, let’s go ahead and assume that it is complete horse pile except in my opinion.
The statements about where I’ve been and why are verifiable, but not sure what a picture of me in burning meat on the Ob Sea or chilling in Tomsk is going to do for you. I don’t have a single picture of anyone actually training. Russians don’t dig on that, so I didn’t run around like a retarded tourist with a camera. Also, Russia isn’t the kind of place you run around with a camera. For one thing it’s so f****** cold there most of the year that the batteries fail unless you warm them under your sack. Also, cameras have a funny way of going missing along with all other portable electronics. Leave that s*** at home if you go.
[quote=xs594;2460951]I don’t think the word “claim” means what you think it means.[/quote]You wouldn’t say “think” if you knew for sure.
Here is the definition I am using.
/kleɪm/ Show Spelled[kleym] Show IPA
–verb (used with object)
to assert or maintain as a fact: She claimed that he was telling the truth.
You claimed you went to Russia, quit your Job, and live at the school.
- : to assert in the face of possible contradiction : maintain <claimed that he’d been cheated>
You claimed it wasn’t Bullshido.
But I can address #3 (which actually is a claim) directly. I cannot prove that it’s not bullshido. Nope, can’t do it. In fact, let’s go ahead and assume that it is complete horse pile except in my opinion.
There you go. So, you had no reason to bump the thread.
The statements about where I’ve been and why are verifiable, but not sure what a picture of me in burning meat on the Ob Sea or chilling in Tomsk is going to do for you.
As I read your post and now your further clarification you saw training so that would be proof of you at least being in Russia as you claim.
I don’t have a single picture of anyone actually training. Russians don’t dig on that, so I didn’t run around like a retarded tourist with a camera.
Of course you don’t.
Also, Russia isn’t the kind of place you run around with a camera. For one thing it’s so f****** cold there most of the year that the batteries fail unless you warm them under your sack. Also, cameras have a funny way of going missing along with all other portable electronics. Leave that s*** at home if you go.
I’ll make sure I tell all of the other posters from Russia and other surrounding regions that they faked their photographs and videos.
[QUOTE=It is Fake;2460959]You wouldn’t say “think” if you knew for sure.
There is a difference between a claim and a statement, you should ponder a bit on it. Anyway here’s the info one last time:
- I found Tescao and thought enough about it to turn my life upside down to go check it out in Russia.
- I experienced quit nice results in practical application, so in my opinion it’s not bullshido.
- To form your own opinion, come check it out M-F 6:30-8:30 3035 Peeler Rd. Atlanta GA. Or don’t. And actually the school is closed to enrollment anyway so the most you’d be able to do is check it out for a night.
- The reason I bumped this thread with that (true) story was to laugh at the responses. Which I did, but now you’re flaming me like a douche so it’s not fun anymore. Anyway you know where to find me.
Ok, now I’ll call complete bullshit. What kind of school is “closed to enrollment”?
Does your homeless ass living there scare off potential new students?
Or did the instructor go to the Georgia Clown College of Business?
There is a difference between a claim and a statement, you should ponder a bit on it. Anyway here’s the info one last time:[/quote]
I went to Russia is a statement.
I went to Russia and found out this school wasn’t bullshido is a statement WITH A claim.
- I found Tescao and thought enough about it to turn my life upside down to go check it out in Russia.
No, you found a thread about Tescao or are you changing the story again?
- I experienced quit nice results in practical application, so in my opinion it’s not bullshido.
You mean “quite” nice results. You should “quit” changing your story.
- To form your own opinion, come check it out M-F 6:30-8:30 3035 Peeler Rd. Atlanta GA. Or don’t. And actually the school is closed to enrollment anyway so the most you’d be able to do is check it out for a night.
- The reason I bumped this thread with that (true) story was to laugh at the responses. Which I did, but now you’re flaming me like a douche so it’s not fun anymore. Anyway you know where to find me.
Why? You said it was not bullshido, in an investigative thread, before the cull. I said nothing about the art did I? You were asked to provide proof of your claims and you said no. Now, your feelings are hurt because there is nothing to laugh at except your crying.
How about you learn to read, spell, and understand definitions before whining about being treated like a troll.
Take a look at the “street view” for address he provides on Google Maps. It states that at this address is a “key duplication” business. On the plus side, there appear to be a couple of pizza places nearby.
4) The reason I bumped this thread with that (true) story was to laugh at the responses. Which I did, but now you’re flaming me like a douche so it’s not fun anymore. Anyway you know where to find me.[/quote]
So you were trolling with lies trying to get an emotional reaction and derail the investigation. You then got called on your bullshit and decided to run away.
How is that working out for you ?
Here is the active website:
It matches the address on the top.
Also, you do realize basically anything you say is a statement right? The fact you are trying to imply that a claim and a statement are distinctly different means you weren’t kidding when you said:
I’m kind of retarded, so you better break it down for me.
Sigh, I’m always late to the party.