I don’t like hitting the streets, even with gloves on it really hurts my hands. As for what I do with my ass in the privacy of my own home is none of your business.
Watson: Holmes! Ghetto_Warrior? A spoiled middle class white kid! How did you know?
Holmes: Elementary my dear Watson! Elementary!
Less nagging more shagging, don’t make me slap you, you ho
Your Photoshop skills suck just as bad as your thread posting skills. Amazing.
[quote=ignatzami;2108662]Watson: Holmes! Ghetto_Warrior? A spoiled middle class white kid! How did you know?
Holmes: Elementary my dear Watson! Elementary![/quote]
talking to yourself again? try some yayo faggot
Did you know that prostitution is the oldest profession?
Did you also know that shagging originated as a slang term for describing the characteristic rug burns recieved from engaging in intercourse on shag carpet? hence, “I got them shagging.”
Nagging, is derogatory descriptive slang, likening a person to a nag, or old broken down horse.
Let’s translate your post:
Act less like a broken down horse, I was to have intercourse with you on shag carpet, I do not wish to hit you, your a professional.
So can we ban Ghetto_Warrior soon please. He is the worst troll we had is a while. At least Bruce was entertaining.
Nobody is talking here, we are all typing!
“I travel to get choked”
you seem like the kind of person that gets fucked in the ass and doesn’t even ask for a reach around
[quote=Ghetto_Warrior;2108672]“I travel to get choked”
you seem like the kind of person that gets fucked in the ass and doesn’t even ask for a reach around[/quote]
Man! You don’t read so well do you? I already said what I do with my ass in the privacy of my own home is none of your business! Now, any future commentary on the matter I will consider a proposition!
hey its osuofia again. wow. just wow.
since you are a faggot why don’t you do us all a favor and shove a shotgun up your ass.
Is “shotgun” a euphemism for something?
Are you repressing latent homosexual feelings? It’s ok, we all grapple here, we are accepting of all sexual orientations. Be open, release your sphincter! Be free of your heterosexual bonds!
Solving the word scramble “Ghetto_Warrior” I come up with “Dumb_Ass”. The clues were just too obvious.
[quote=ignatzami;2108682]Is “shotgun” a euphemism for something?
Are you repressing latent homosexual feelings? It’s ok, we all grapple here, we are accepting of all sexual orientations. Be open, release your sphincter! Be free of your heterosexual bonds![/quote]
Ooooh AA-12, Purdy. Though heavy, I prefer the ol’ standby. Remington 12g Over/Under. Nice trigger pull, simple design, no muss and no fuss.