If Inosanto is SOOOO deadly

Why isn’t he in the UFC?

YouTube - Inosanto - Silat

[quote=Ghetto_Warrior;2108618]Why isn’t he in the UFC?

YouTube - Inosanto - Silat[/quote]

Maybe because he’s 72?

Just a thought… maybe?


Or maybe a smarter question would be:

Given Dan Inosanto’s study of, and supposed proficiency in, the Filipino Martial Arts, why do you feel we have never see Guro Inosanto at a Dog Brothers gathering?

The same answer as above could apply, but then you could counter with the fact the Marc “Crafty Dog” Denny still fights on occasion and has to be close to seventy if not older.

If all you are going to do is post stupid threads, please got to MAP. If you wish to stay here, grow up and go train with an instructor.

lol bullshido is now more serious than MAP? lolololololooooooooool


Not necessarily, but we do put up with a bit less bullshit. Given your post history you, my Ghetto_Warrior friend, are a walking bullshit factory.

So, I ask you, why do YOU think Guro Dan, at the age of 72, should take the time to step into the Octagon?

So, I ask you, why do YOU think Guro Dan, at the age of 72, should take the time to step into the Octagon?[/quote]
cuz he claims to be deadlier than god

How deadly is god?

Really? Prove that he has said that.


Care to find where he made this claim? Or are you just bitter?

Oh! Sniped by escrimador6

why don’t you ask aids victims

Funny, as AIDS isn’t deadly in the slightest. AIDS, as far as I know, has never directly killed anyone. You know what kills most AIDS victims? The common cold.

I never said AIDS was deadly, I said that if you want to know how deadly God is, go and ask aids victims.

learn to read faggot

[quote=Ghetto_Warrior;2108648]I never said AIDS was deadly, I said that if you want to know how deadly God is, go and ask aids victims.

learn to read faggot[/quote]


I’m not going to begin to tear apart the linguistic abortion you just committed. Go now, your betters are speaking.

Photoshopped… badly.

Real image here:


I’m not going to begin to tear apart the linguistic abortion you just committed. Go now, your betters are speaking.[/quote]
or how about you hit the streets and get rich or die taking it up the ass?

[quote=Ghetto_Warrior;2108648]I never said AIDS was deadly, I said that if you want to know how deadly God is, go and ask aids victims.

learn to read faggot[/quote]

I was previously unaware that faggot is a language. Thanks for the info, I am now enlightened.

[quote=ignatzami;2108651]Photoshopped… badly.

Real image here:


I don’t think that’s even photoshopped…more like MS Painted.

Are AIDS victims gods?

[quote=ignatzami;2108651]Photoshopped… badly.

Real image here:
