how long does adrenaline last? how does some one get adrenaline?
every now and then i get adrenaline rushes that help me while im fighting
but how does that acctualy work? what activates it?
all i know about it is that long periods of adrenaline rushes can mess up ur digestive system for a while
As I told you before, you broke the second rule of posting on the PT/Health Forums - see the rules of posting at the link below.
Rules of Posting for you, YES YOU, READ THIS DAMMIT! - No BS Martial Arts
Read the rules and post accordingly. I know no mercy.
You really need to stop posting stupid threads. Google-fu will answer most of what you are looking for.
i am highly skilled in google-fu
Well are you under some moral code that prevents you from using it?
Here’s something from howstuffworks. I don’t know how accurate it is but I don’t give a shit. It gives you a place to start.